Unikebanzu Horn (Enchanted Stone)
Kebanzu's horns are moved forward and twisted into one unicorn-like horn.
Soft Point Horns (Enchanted Stone)
Kebanzu's horns become rounded at the ends.
Bonsai Horns (Rose)
Kebanzu's horns now appear to be tiny bonsai trees.
- Model after any type of Bonsai tree.
- Follow the general shape and size of your Keb's base horn type if using on a seasonal skin.
- Have it be present in artwork unless it is on a seasonal skin.
- Use to mimic the shape of any horn types not present on your Keb's base form.
*The leftmost Keb in the example image shows the result of Uni Horn + Bonsai Horns
Thorn Horns (Rose)
Kebanzu's horns gain prickly thorns across their surface.
Rosebud Horns (Rose)
Kebanzu's horns appear to be flowerbuds. Can be shown closed or blooming.
Seashell Horns (Sand Dollar)
Kebanzu's horns become shaped like seashells.
Coral Horns (Sand Dollar)
Kebanzu's horns gain a reddish tint, become branched, and appear to be made of coral.
Sea Glass Horns (Sand Dollar)
Kebanzu's horns now appear to be made of seaglass, with a translucent frosted texture and rounded shape. Can be any one solid color, or a gradient from one color to another.
Candle Horns (Candy Cane)
Kebanzu's horns begin to burn down at the tips like a candle. The flame is enchanted and cannot be blown out, the fire can be any color.
Bone Horns (Candy Corn)
Kebanzu’s horns appear to be made of bones.
Stem Horns (Candy Corn)
Kebanzu's horns appear to be the stems of a pumpkin!
Light Bulb Horns (Candy Cane)
Kebanzu's horns apear to be large holiday lights that glow, can be any color.
Fairy Antennae (Candy Cane)
Kebanzu's horns are replaced with fairy antennae (can be any style of antennae).
Soft Stag Horns (Candy Cane)
Kebanzu's horns become staglike with soft points.
Ice Horns (Candy Cane)
Kebanzu's horns now appear to be made of ice! Can be smooth like an icicle or somewhat crystalline like shattered ice.
Mosaic Horns (Sand Dollar)
Kebanzu's horns appear to be made of detailed mosaic or stained glass.
Ice Cream Horns (Sand Dollar)
Kebanzu's horns look like icecream cones with melting ice cream! (Trailing wasps optional)
Driftwood Horns (Sand Dollar)
Kebanzu's horns now appear to be made of smooth, bleached driftwood.
Branch Horns (Sand Dollar)
Kebanzu's horns now appear to be made of branching twigs.
Sword and Dagger (Candy Corn)
Kebanzu’s horns and claws appear to be made of sharpened metal.