Echo Port

Hub inside Northern Dense Forest

Can be home to characters.



Coastal Bog
A fog rolls in over the harbor, cloaking the town in misty grey. Not even the light of morning can chase away the worst of it. Often, it lingers day and night. A chill snakes through the air. Distant bells toll. The docks are rarely empty, though those unfamiliar with the port can never seem to shake their unease.
Eldritch shapes loom in the murk. Rounded and curved where lines should be straight, straight where curves should exist. Empty eye-shaped holes stare back at those who dare to glance their way. Light arches between the twin horns atop the lighthouse. Are they the origins of the beasts of legend? Or do they simply pay tribute? Could they lurk behind the buildings that honor them?
To the wary, every safe ship is a reassurance.