​Fogbrew Hollow

Hub inside Northern Dense Forest

Can be home to characters.


Old Gretta
Forested Wetland
The barren branches of trees claw at the sky like skeletal fingers along the path to Fogbrew Hollow. Something moves in the fog, just out of view. A soft rustle of leaves is the only warning. A shape looms in the mist, hulking and fearsome. Glowing eyes, too many to be natural glow in the gloom.
That is when the fog eases, just a little. A house. It was only a house. Several of them, even. Homes, cobbled together of whatever material was on hand, stand on stilts submerged in stagnant pools. Mist wreaths their bases and drifts off in whispy licks.
A closer look, a second glance, reveals the truth. Beneath the layer of eerie trappings hides nothing but a cozy town. One that revels in the ghastly disguise, both for its protection and for love of all things creepy. Some might even call it charming, in its own way.


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