Skystone Postal

Hub inside Skystone Expanse

Can be home to characters.


Postmaster Milo
Subtropical Rainforest
Towering pillars of stone, narrow mountains of pale stone covered in growing green, stretch towards the sky. A city curves and blends with the soaring rock faces; their forms mimic hives with hexagonal lattice windows. Always abuzz with activity, the spires hum with the constant work. Inside bridges crisscross the honeycomb structure. Stairs spiral up into infinity. Shelves are stocked, emptied, and restocked by countless fast-moving forms. Day and night the skies are filled with the flapping of wings, for the post never sleeps.
Dense foliage and mist disguise the river basin below.
Overgrown and disguised, hide the Sahir temples. Their few unbroken roosts fettered away from prying eyes. Shattered sanctuaries stand open, reminders of the cost the winged ones paid in the past centuries.