Golden Harbor

Hub inside Merchant Island

Can be home to characters.


Tropical Dryforest
A port that never sleeps. True to its name Golden Harbor is bedecked in the finest things that the world has to offer. This magnificent market lies inside the cavernous grotto that dominates the island. Lanterns light the gloom, spitting seeds of gemstone-hued fire along the rugged stone walls, the worn wooden floors, and vendor stall drapings. From gaps in the cavern's ceiling daylight trickles in like waterfalls.
Within the eclectic sprawling bazaar, one can find spices, trinkets, baubles, fruits, and treasures. Intrepid adventurers can be hired to find anything not offered within the cave walls. Above the hum of sellers hawking their wares, the gentle lapping of waves echoes faintly off the stones. Even as night falls the bustle does not fade. Through the gaps stars twinkle like diamonds.