Gemstone Cove

Hub inside Volcano Island

Can be home to characters.


Chrysocolla "Chrys"
Tropical Rainforest
Blessed, that is what most who live in this place believe themselves to be. For what other word is there to describe those who benefit from the boons granted by the island paradise? The fertile soil offers a bounty of flora that sustains both fauna, inhabitants, and visitors. Deep within that soil hides another precious gift. In the shadow of a volcano that slumbers a fitful sleep, an abundance of gemstones lays enrobed in stone and dirt and sand. It is said there are those so in tune with this haven that they know precisely where each gem deposit lies, simply by instinct. Both of these gifts inspire artists of all sorts to create stunning works.
The lush tropics are alight with color and vibrant as myriad as the stones hidden in the soil. There is truly no bad place to live in Gemstone Cove. Homes mesh with the landscape, their shapes curved and natural. Their walls are covered in creeping vines blooming with flowers and bedecked in shimmering art pieces.


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