Silver Post

Hub inside Dragon Pass Island

Can be home to characters.


In the harsh unforgiving tundra, one’s life is carried on one's back. The brave and the rugged live here, pitching tents and building shelter only where the weather allows. Swathed in furs and accustomed to the biting cold, they travel the landscape to eke out their living, safe in the knowledge that few humans would dare tread in such an inhospitable place.
Small bastions dot the landscape, stalwart in their fight against the elements. Silver Post’s age is highlighted in rounded edges, cracks in the foundation. Yet it perseveres. Trade is the lifeblood of the post. Rare are the faces of newcomers, though they are always welcomed. Few buildings stand, but they offer respite from the wind for those who need it.
The only other permanent structures are the mountains high above. At night, the peaks are wreathed in dancing firey lights which cast the world below in luminescent green.