Hot Spring Retreat

Hub inside Hot Spring Island

Can be home to characters.


Calcifer Evergreen
The door swings open, a beam of buttery yellow spreads across the snow piled high on the steps. Warmth spills out as flurries rush in and scatter across the wooden floors. Stepping into the resort is like entering another world after a long day on the slopes. A hot drink and a fluffy blanket chase away the lingering chill. Aromas of cedar and smoke twine together in the cabin-inspired lodge.
Each room is spacious and full of cozy trimmings. They are the perfect place to gaze out over the mountains. The world beyond the windows is enrobed in white. On the distant hills and valleys, lights glow in windows as the residents of the hub settle in for the night. During the day, each slope is filled with revelers enjoying themselves in the drifts.
Mystery hides amongst far-off runestones. They stand tall, silhouetted against the star flecked sky, ancient monoliths of a time long forgotten.