Mythic Forest Hub

Hub inside Mythic Forest

Can be home to characters.


Old Growth Forest
In the depths of the untouched wild is an expanse of dense wilderness, thick with trees and thorns. The deeper you travel, the more it blooms with otherworldly life and magic. Akin to the fae wilds of which Kebanzu originated, the lush landscape is full of equal amounts of majesty and mystery. Old magic crackles through the air and fills the landscape with a sense of power and wonder. Though beautiful, the Mystic Forest is untamed. There are no cities within these woods, only ancient and sacred groves filled with trees that seem taller than the sky itself. Those who are in tune with nature say if they close their eyes, they can almost hear the earth hum with untapped magic. The very life force that sings through the air, ripples through the soil, creating a rich and fertile environment. There is no limit to the sort of plants that can grow. The lush environment is a key factor in the ever thriving ecosystem. Due to the limitless resources, the wilds grow vast and rampant. While the beautiful Mystic forests are a vibrant haven to those who call it home, that doesn't mean it doesn't harbor a sense of natural danger.