
<a href=" Replacement" class="display-item">Jaw Replacement</a>

Jaw Replacement

Category: Head Enchants and Mods

Artist: faios

Resale Value: 25 Enchanted Stones

Example of Jaw Replacement


Kebanzu's lower jaw is replaced by a mechanical jaw

Do  ✓

  • Change the look and style without a trait change. 
  • Play around with the materials used for the replacement. Materials such as Metal, Plastic, Wood, Porcelain, and Glass have been approved in the past.
  • Have it be present in all artwork.
  • If the keb has multiple jaws via double mouth , this can be used for both. 
  • May glow with LEDs without the need for firefly kisses

Don't  ✘

  • Mimic  other traits.
  • May not be used solely on a seasonal skin. Must be attached to the base form of the keb. 

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Replacement - EC" class="display-item">Jaw Replacement - EC</a>

Jaw Replacement - EC

Category: Head Enchants and Mods

Artist: faios

Resale Value: 5 Enchanted Crystals

Example of Jaw Replacement


Kebanzu's lower jaw is replaced by a mechanical jaw

Do  ✓

  • Change the look and style without a trait change. 
  • Play around with the materials used for the replacement. Materials such as Metal, Plastic, Wood, Porcelain, and Glass have been approved in the past.
  • Have it be present in all artwork.
  • If the keb has multiple jaws via double mouth , this can be used for both. 
  • May glow with LEDs without the need for firefly kisses

Don't  ✘

  • Mimic  other traits.
  • May not be used solely on a seasonal skin. Must be attached to the base form of the keb. 

Purchaseable At:

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