
<a href=" Markings" class="display-item">Lightning Markings</a>

Lightning Markings

Category: Marking Enchants and Mods

Artist: Feniick

Resale Value: 3 Enchanted Roses

Kebanzu gains a lightning marking that flashes at times


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<a href=" Mask Marking" class="display-item">Venetian Mask Marking</a>

Venetian Mask Marking

Category: Marking Enchants and Mods

Artist: Hauket

Resale Value: 2 Enchanted Roses

Kebanzu appears to have a mask on at all times, mask can be decorative, with floral and metallic markings. Must be located only on the face, covering the eyes


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<a href=" Marking" class="display-item">Pie Marking</a>

Pie Marking

Category: Marking Enchants and Mods

Artist: Hauket

Resale Value: 2 Enchanted Roses

Kebanzu gains a marking that resembles the top of a pie


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<a href=" Markings" class="display-item">Cartographer Markings</a>

Cartographer Markings

Category: Marking Enchants and Mods

Artist: GoredGuar

Resale Value: 3 Enchanted Sand Dollars

Kebanzu's markings become island shapes, dotted lines, and X's similar to a treasure map


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<a href=" Coat" class="display-item">Holi Coat</a>

Holi Coat

Category: Marking Enchants and Mods

Artist: Hauket

Resale Value: 3 Enchanted Roses

Kebanzu appears to be splashed with many vibrant colors. Markings still show through the colors


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<a href=" Markings" class="display-item">Hieroglyph Markings</a>

Hieroglyph Markings

Category: Marking Enchants and Mods

Artist: Hauket

Resale Value: 2 Enchanted Roses

Kebanzu gains markings that apear to be hieroglyphs


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<a href=" of Horus" class="display-item">Eye of Horus</a>

Eye of Horus

Category: Marking Enchants and Mods

Artist: Hauket

Resale Value: 1 Enchanted Roses

Kebanzu gains eye accents that mimic the eye of horus.


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<a href=" Changing Markings" class="display-item">Color Changing Markings</a>

Color Changing Markings

Category: Marking Enchants and Mods

Artist: Hauket

Resale Value: 40 Enchanted Stones

One part of a Kebanzu's markings (stripes, spots, etc) is able to change color at will


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<a href=" Marking (Large)" class="display-item">Shaped Marking (Large)</a>

Shaped Marking (Large)

Category: Marking Enchants and Mods

Resale Value: 15 Enchanted Stones

Kebanzu gains 1 large shaped marking.

  • Can be any shape.
  • Can't be symetrical.

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<a href=" Markings" class="display-item">Rhune Markings</a>

Rhune Markings

Category: Marking Enchants and Mods

Resale Value: 35 Enchanted Stones

Kebanzu gains markings that appear to be writing, or rhunes.


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<a href=" Kisses" class="display-item">Firefly Kisses</a>

Firefly Kisses

Category: Marking Enchants and Mods

Resale Value: 25 Enchanted Stones

One marking type on a kebanzu can now glow any color (such as freckles, horns, eyes, or paws)


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<a href=" Markings" class="display-item">Metallic Markings</a>

Metallic Markings

Category: Marking Enchants and Mods

Artist: Hauket

Resale Value: 35 Enchanted Stones

One of the Kebanzu's markings becomes metallic.

  • Can take up 1/6th of Kebanzu's pelt. Can be stacked for additional coverage.
  • Horns, hooves, claws, and teeth would require one Metallic Markings trait.
  • Eyes, tongue, scars, and paw pads would require one Metallic Markings trait.

To make a completely metallic keb like Midas would require 8 total Metallic Markings (6 for the pelt, one for horns and claws, and one for eyes and paw pads).


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<a href=" Markings" class="display-item">Fruit Markings</a>

Fruit Markings

Category: Marking Enchants and Mods

Artist: LordStarryFace

Resale Value: 3 Enchanted Sand Dollars

Kebanzu gains markings that resemble fruit


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<a href=" Plant Markings" class="display-item">Tropical Plant Markings</a>

Tropical Plant Markings

Category: Marking Enchants and Mods

Resale Value: 3 Enchanted Sand Dollars

Kebanzu gains markings that resemble tropical plant leaves such a: palm trees, ferns, or fan plants


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<a href=" Snack Markings" class="display-item">Carnival Snack Markings</a>

Carnival Snack Markings

Category: Marking Enchants and Mods

Artist: sunnydito

Resale Value: 3 Enchanted Sand Dollars

Kebanzu gains a marking reminiscent of a carnival snack; such as popcorn, pretzels or peanuts


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<a href=" Markings" class="display-item">Seashell Markings</a>

Seashell Markings

Category: Marking Enchants and Mods

Artist: LordStarryFace

Resale Value: 3 Enchanted Sand Dollars

Kebanzu gains a marking reminiscent of seashells


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<a href=" Decal" class="display-item">Flame Decal</a>

Flame Decal

Category: Marking Enchants and Mods

Resale Value: 3 Enchanted Sand Dollars

Kebanzu gets a totally sick flame decal marking


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<a href=" Markings" class="display-item">Spooky Markings</a>

Spooky Markings

Category: Marking Enchants and Mods

Artist: Hauket

Resale Value: 1 Enchanted Candy Corn

Kebanzu gains some form of spooky markings, such as bats, spider webs, ghosts, etc... (cannot be stars or any other currently rare markings)


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Treat Markings" class="display-item">Candy Treat Markings</a>

Candy Treat Markings

Category: Marking Enchants and Mods

Artist: Hauket

Resale Value: 1 Enchanted Candy Corn

Kebanzu gains one type of candy shaped marking type


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Markings" class="display-item">Snowflake Markings</a>

Snowflake Markings

Category: Marking Enchants and Mods

Artist: Hauket

Resale Value: 2 Enchanted Candy Canes

Kebanzu gains markings shaped like snowflakes across their coat


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67 results found.