
<a href=" Form" class="display-item">Hippocampus Form</a>

Hippocampus Form

Category: Body Enchants and Mods

Artist: Hauket

Resale Value: 3 Enchanted Roses

Back half of kebanzu's body becomes a scaled fishlike tail


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Mutation" class="display-item">Crow Mutation</a>

Crow Mutation

Category: Body Enchants and Mods

Artist: Hauket

Resale Value: 5 Enchanted Candy Corn

Kebanzu becomes covered in feathers instead of fur, legs become birdlike and you can choose if they do or do not sprout large feathery wings


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Limbs" class="display-item">Shiva Limbs</a>

Shiva Limbs

Category: Body Enchants and Mods

Artist: Hauket

Resale Value: 3 Enchanted Roses

Kebanzu gains an extra set of front limbs


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<a href=" Body" class="display-item">Noodle Body</a>

Noodle Body

Category: Body Enchants and Mods

Artist: Hauket

Resale Value: 3 Enchanted Roses

Kebanzu's body becomes long and noodely, limbs become much shorter


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<a href=" Replacement" class="display-item">Spine Replacement</a>

Spine Replacement

Category: Body Enchants and Mods

Resale Value: 30 Enchanted Stones

Kebanzu's spine is replaced or enhanced with a mechanical spine


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<a href="" class="display-item">Ports</a>


Category: Body Enchants and Mods

Resale Value: 15 Enchanted Stones

Kebanzu gains a small patch of ports for wires to hook into for various uses


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Patches" class="display-item">Mech Patches</a>

Mech Patches

Category: Body Enchants and Mods

Resale Value: 15 Enchanted Stones

Kebanzu gains a small area of mech patches that can be present on one body zone (ribs, shoulder and upper arms, thighs, neck, head, tail, forarms, or lower legs)


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Growths" class="display-item">Crystal Growths</a>

Crystal Growths

Category: Body Enchants and Mods

Artist: Hauket

Resale Value: 35 Enchanted Stones

Crystals grow on the keb's body, crystals can cover up to 3 areas (example: shoulders, neck, and front legs)


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Cracks" class="display-item">Magic Cracks</a>

Magic Cracks

Category: Body Enchants and Mods

Artist: Hauket

Resale Value: 25 Enchanted Stones

Kebanzu's body can form cracks anywhere at will that seep magical energy


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Body" class="display-item">Smoke Body</a>

Smoke Body

Category: Body Enchants and Mods

Resale Value: 35 Enchanted Stones

Kebanzu gains the ability to transform its body into smoke at will


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<a href=" Body Part" class="display-item">Scaled Body Part</a>

Scaled Body Part

Category: Body Enchants and Mods

Resale Value: 25 Enchanted Stones

Kebanzu gains scales on one body part (front legs would be one, face would be one, spine would be one, etc)


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<a href=" Spines" class="display-item">Tail Spines</a>

Tail Spines

Category: Body Enchants and Mods

Artist: Hauket

Resale Value: 25 Enchanted Stones

Kebanzu gains spines along the top of their tail.


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Spines" class="display-item">Back Spines</a>

Back Spines

Category: Body Enchants and Mods

Artist: Hauket

Resale Value: 25 Enchanted Stones

Kebanzu gains spines along the top ridge of its back


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Body" class="display-item">Scarecrow Body</a>

Scarecrow Body

Category: Body Enchants and Mods

Artist: Hauket

Resale Value: 4 Enchanted Candy Corn

Kebanzu's body now appears to be made of hay and stitched together burlap. (colors and markings are not altered)


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Spines - EC" class="display-item">Neck Spines - EC</a>

Neck Spines - EC

Category: Body Enchants and Mods

Artist: Hauket

Resale Value: 5 Enchanted Crystals


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<a href=" Drizzle Coat" class="display-item">Coco Drizzle Coat</a>

Coco Drizzle Coat

Category: Body Enchants and Mods

Artist: GoredGuar

Resale Value: 1 Enchanted Candy Canes

Kebanzu now appears to have chocolate sauce on their coat


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Hearth" class="display-item">Warm Hearth</a>

Warm Hearth

Category: Body Enchants and Mods

Artist: TheMightyUnicat

Resale Value: 2 Enchanted Candy Canes

Kebanzu's chest now appears to house a cozy fire, emitting smoke and faintly glowing


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Coat" class="display-item">Snow Coat</a>

Snow Coat

Category: Body Enchants and Mods

Artist: faios

Resale Value: 2 Enchanted Candy Canes

Kebanzu's body appears to be made of snow


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Armor" class="display-item">Arctic Armor</a>

Arctic Armor

Category: Body Enchants and Mods

Artist: Azure

Resale Value: 2 Enchanted Candy Canes

Kebanzu now has scales of ice along their body


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Mutation" class="display-item">Toy Mutation</a>

Toy Mutation

Category: Body Enchants and Mods

Artist: Hauket

Resale Value: 4 Enchanted Candy Canes

Kebanzu gains the apearance of the plush or wooden toy


Purchaseable At:

97 results found.