<a href="https://www.kebanzucrossroads.com/world/items?name=Glowing Lure (Bundle)" class="display-item">Glowing Lure (Bundle)</a>

Glowing Lure (Bundle)

Category: Head Enchants and Mods

Artist: Hauket

Example of Glowing Lure


Kebanzu gains a glowing lure on its head. Can be any color, but the lure itself is usually a teardrop shape. This does not replace the horns of the Kebanzu, as it is a head modification and not a horn enchantment.

Do  ✓

  • Draw the Lure as a tear drop shape
  • Have the lure glow.
  • The lure may be any color.
  • Have it always be present in artwork unless it is on a seasonal skin.  

Don't  ✘

  • Change the color of the lure between drawings without a color changing marking present.
  • Replace Horns.