<a href="https://www.kebanzucrossroads.com/world/items?name=Glowing Blush" class="display-item">Glowing Blush</a>

Glowing Blush

Category: Head Enchants and Mods

Artist: Hauket

Resale Value: 2 Enchanted Candy Canes

Example of Glowing Blush


Kebanzu gains glowing blush across their cheeks and nose which can appear as any one color. 

Do  ✓

  • Keep placement to cheeks and across the bridge of their nose
  • Use only one color (I.e Pink, Blue etc) and keep that color consistent.  
  • Have it be present in artwork unless it is on a seasonal skin.  

Don't  ✘

  • Use Multiple colors without Color Changing Marking or Iridescent marking. 

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