Engulfed in Flames
Example of Engulfed in Flames
Kebanzu's head becomes engulfed in flames, can appear to be intact or as a skull. The flames can be any color as long as they are drawn as clearly defined fire and not mimicking other elements or traits. Colors should remain fairly consistent between artworks unless there is a color changing marking involved. The flames cannot be turned on and off and must always be present, though intensity can be altered. It is a trait that is localized to the head area and not dependent on hair or lack thereof.
Do ✓
- Pick one style of the two . (Either Intact or Skull )
- Use any color as long as they are clearly defined flames.
- Have it be present in all artwork unless it is on a seasonal skin.
- Play around with intensity of fire, as long as present.
Don't ✘
- Swap between styles.
- Drastically change colors between artwork unless there is a color change marking involved.
- Mimic other elements or traits.
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