<a href="https://www.kebanzucrossroads.com/world/items?name=Bonsai Horns" class="display-item">Bonsai Horns</a>

Bonsai Horns

Category: Horn Enchants and Mods

Artist: Haventide

Resale Value: 3 Enchanted Roses

Kebanzu's horns now appear to be tiny bonsai trees.


  • Model after any type of Bonsai tree.
  • Follow the general shape and size of your Keb's base horn type if using on a seasonal skin.
  • Have it be present in artwork unless it is on a seasonal skin.


  • Use to mimic the shape of any horn types not present on your Keb's base form.

*The leftmost Keb in the example image shows the result of Uni Horn + Bonsai Horns


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