
Hub Leader
Leader of the Eastern Floral Fields

Name Poppy ML Entry NPC-44
Age Adult Pronouns He/Him
Hub Eastern Floral Fields Reason for the Title Coming Soon!

A soft-spoken, kind keb, Lupin is not to be confused for a leader with no spine. He's never afraid to speak his mind and make the tough decisions required of a leader.

A druid of considerable magic, it's no wonder he's served his hub for decades.

What does your hub value?

Living in harmony with the island. We cultivate a tranquil atmosphere to bond with the island, and allow ourselves to become one with it, rather than shaping it to our will.

What is your favorite thing about the hub?

The peaceful atmosphere we've cultivated. While partying can be fun, it's important to remember to take time and listen to your body, to the land, and contemplate your place in the world.