
Hub Leader
Leader of the Northern Floral Fields

Name Rose ML Entry NPC-42
Age Adult Pronouns She/Her
Hub Northern Floral Fields Reason for the Title Coming Soon!

A motherly kebanzu, Rose cares deeply for all the kebs of her hub and the flowers too! A botanist by trade and a thoroughly experienced healer, she always has something to help everyone with what ails them.

What does your hub value?

Family. It’s the bonds we share with one another, whether we’re related by blood or not. We’ve all watched one another grow and change, and it’s drawn us all together even closer.

What is your favorite thing about the hub?

How much everyone else seems to like it! The citizens of my hub are truly incredible people, always willing to lend a hand or go out of their way to make someone else’s day just a little brighter. Then there’s the visitors! We draw in travelers from all over, and that means I get to meet kebs from all walks of life. Hearing their stories and sharing our bounty with them is truly a blessing.