Perfectly Normal Kat



A group of PNK are called a "Tack".

Females are called Mollies, Males are called Toms, and babies are called Kittens.

In the wild, their main threat are other larger arboreal creatures since they try their best not to go to the ground.

As pets, domesticated PNK need perches and wall mounted platforms to imitate their tree dwelling habitat. Even though domesticated PNK aren't stressed by living indoors as they've been bred to be used to smaller heights, wild PNKs become very stressed if they aren't given perches over 10 feet in height (the closer to a trees height the better).

Pet PNK need a variety of clawing posts if you don't want them to claw your furniture. 

Putting their food (dried or live bugs, meat cubes and veggies or kibble) in an enrichment ball they can claw into to get their food will keep them from growing overweight and complacent.

While shorthair and hairless PNK rarely exist naturally, there have been recent efforts to breed PNK with lighter colors, shorter fur, and shorter tails and ears without health reprocussions.


PNK are mostly silent but will make vocalizations similar to a baby oppossum (click to hear) when they want to direct attention to something, whether that's an empty food ball or a strange new person entering the house.  When irritated or threatened they will chitter by clicking their inner mandibles against one another, sometimes they will feint lunge and make a loud clack to warn they may bite next.

Height Chart 

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