Submission (#929) Approved

14 January 2023, 13:15:47 PST (1 year ago)
16 January 2023, 12:34:49 PST (1 year ago) by sunnydito


The day was sunny and bright, the birds were singing and it was a rather mild day during the winter months. Negan was out and about collecting wood for some new wood working projects he had in mind. Collecting some birch, Oak and even nailing some maple which was rarer in his neck of the woods. After collecting many of the pieces he needed Negan felt a rumble in his belly prompting him to make his way back to his cabin to rumage up some food to satisfy his cravings.

Once he made it back Negan placed the wood in wood shed and made sure it was secure before trekking back to his home and wiping off his paws of snow as he entered his home. He made his way to the kitchen and realized he didnt really have much food left besides some left overs from his party when his friends and family were there. This was troubling but Negan shrugged it off and decided to dig in his fridge and locate something to eat. After about 20 minutes he managed to grab some Bacon and eggs and some carrots to boil and season with some garlic for a nice little snack. As he started cooking that up with a pan he heard a little rustle from the veggie tray in the fridge. This made Negan raise his brow as he opened the fridge and opened the tray, Suddenly a small mouse popped out of the tray spooking the Keb but it wasnt the mouse that repulsed him as he looked It was his arch enemy food..BROCCOLI.....He HATED broccoli every since he was a youngster. Seeing that little tree like veggie brought back horrible memories of being force fed it from his father as it was the only veggie they had at the time besides Onions.. Negan pinned his ears back and let out a AUUUUUURGH noise as he grabbed the broccoli launching it out the door but it decided to bounce back off his garbage can and suddenly it hit him square between the eyes. This knocked the keb back on his butt and caused him to groan. He rubbed his head and snarled at the veggie grabbing it and made his way to hi garbage but all of a sudden he slipped on some ice and slip and slid across the walkway to the garbage making him topple over head first into the garbage can. Negan yelped as he fell in and fell over rolling down a hill and picking up speed. As he rolled he launched off a small hill right into a snow bank.

Loud groaning could be heard from inside of the can and as Negan pulled himself out of the can he coughed and perked realizing something was in his jaws. It was the Broccoli..... "PLEWEH!" Negan spat out the broccoli and patted his tongue of the taste" EW EW EW EW" he hissed grumbling eating some snow and huffing".. Stupid Broccoli.. Why was that in there.." He hissed referencing to his fridge but thinking back he thought about Rick and Carl at the party and Narrowed his eyes. " RIIIIIICKKKKK!!" he snarled out loud knowing the other keb must have pranked him.


Reward Amount
Enchanted Stones 10


Thumbnail for Keb-352: Negan

Keb-352: Negan

Reward Amount


These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

VampiricPaws's Bank

Currency Quantity