Submission (#927) Approved

14 January 2023, 09:58:31 PST (1 year ago)
16 January 2023, 12:26:00 PST (1 year ago) by sunnydito


Bones van brunt a noble Kebanzu who had a pretty good standing with humans and other Kebs throughout the world. However Bones was enlisted into the military where he found himself at the end of a blade at times. This was scary for him but he knew he had to trek on to make a difference for his fellow soldiers. As he trekked on he earned his ranks throughout the military gaining him a captain to a general status. There he earned his gorgeous new outfit which was dazzling red coat with Dark brown pants. Under his coat he had a under coat that was white to add some protection while also having a frilled dress shirt and jabot. This outfit was fitting for the Keb as it added a striking new look to the darker kebs complexion.

With his new found outfit and also foraged brod axe he was ready for war, Bones felt powerful upon his white hors now while he lead the troops across the boarder. This battle would be long but Bones knew he would have trust in the group he had. While camping one night he came across a old ruins of cathedral not far from the camp site where his men and woman slept. Bones headed inside looking around and admiring the art of the place. Little did he know though that something was watching him... and keeping an eye on him. As he approached what looked like a goddess's statue he felt a sudden chill. It made all his fur stand up and prompted him to draw his Axe and ready himself. Suddenly 5 soldiers ambushed the man and swung their blades forcing the larger keb into battle with them. Bones was very clearly out numbered and out matched, He could see blazes forming all along the boarder of the church they lit it up.. it was trap. Bones had to think fast however as he pondered his plan one of the bigger soldiers came up behind him suddenly and with a swift Shink everything faded to black for Bones.

A sudden warmth and then burning and then screaming could be heard as Bones eventually came to. the men high tailed it out of there as the church kept burning. Confused and dazed Bones stood up grunting feeling a slight pain in his neck which he prompted to touch only to freeze in place as he felt his fur there. there was no neck... it was hollow. Bones skittered to the mirror by the holly water and looked at himself staring in horror he saw his head floating in place. Waving his hand under his neck and head seeing it was not a trick he was beginning to panic but then heard a soft voice speak to him. "Oh great soldier do not be alarmed... I saved you and granted an enchantment.. this will allow you to be as you are.. even of the sins of the men who slayed you. However.. due to your nature.. and greed.. the enchantment placed a curse on you where your anger.. takes form... and you loose your way at times to scare others" The voice ringed as he looked around then to the statue blinking realizing a higher power was speaking to him." wait.. im stuck like this forever" he said blinking scared a moment but sighed" I.. I dont want this NO change me back! Please!" he begged but it was unheard. The poor keb sat there frowning as he shook his head looking to his paws. He growled he knew those men had to pay for what they had done. Bones stood up looking to a old table robe he found pulling it clean off the table and looking to the pattern nodding".. this will be a reminder of this day.. I shall wear this.. as a reminder of who did this to me.." he looked to the statue then fitted the robe to a cape form tying it to his coat and clipping it in as he growled allowing his eyes to glow." They will ruin the day.. they crossed my path"

With that Bones left the burning church Smoke puffing from his mouth as Scorching steps followed his hooves.. Embers danced and thus the new Bones van Brunt was born...


Reward Amount
Enchanted Stones 10



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