Submission (#922) Approved

13 January 2023, 16:29:03 PST (1 year ago)
16 January 2023, 12:22:36 PST (1 year ago) by sunnydito


With the new year ringing in and all the kebs settling down for the new year after so many festivities and parties. Many of the kebanzus around the world were pretty Holidayed out but that didnt stop Negan from working towards bringing in some new tasks ahead of himself. He wanted to try something new and what better to do then try out some Ice skating as he has never done that before and knows full well he may fall flat on his face. he brought in some help from Wesker who knew how to skate and also had a pond on his property that had frozen over and was good practice for the older keb.

Negan arrived at his home grinning and hugging him as he greeted him and looked to the hockey like skates Wesker had for him. He was nervous that was apparent and knew that the ice could fall through with enough force though he wanted to give it a go anyway. Wesker reassured him that he was safe with him and once they both got their skates up Wesker grabbed the little tiny net for Negan to use as a crutch as they made their way around the pond slowly. Wesker was gliding with ease while Negan was a bit wobbily But began to get the hang of it over time. Soon enough Negan didnt need the crutch and eventually was gliding along with Wesker on the pond. This brought a smile to the older kebs face as he finally was able to get the hang of things. However.. one thing did come into play that he didnt think about before and that was how to stop. once they got going Wesker stopped and watched him but Negan kept going and going till he frantically begged wesker to tell him how to stop which Wesker told him to lean into the side and skid to as to a stop but it was too late.. and Negan went flying into the snow bank. With a sigh and face palm Wesker couldnt help but laugh at his snow covered friend as he made his way over to him to help him out of the bank.

Back at Abaddons home he was working with Bones to figure out some new things to try which Abaddon wanted to give Sewing a try as he was pretty crafty with his clothing but only modifying clothing not making it from scratch like Negan could. As he bought the machine and got the materials he got to work and everything was going well due to his instruction but sadly he ended up realizing he made this go inside out.. which was reverse to the outcome of what he wanted sadly but he rolled up his sleeves and got back at it again.

Bones though maybe he would give Baking a try, Bones was not exactly a great cook to begin with and tended to buy all his food and baked goods but he wanted to try and make some Cookies as they were his favourite treat. After buying a cookie making book and some new bake sheets he was all set to go. He watched Abaddon work on his sewing as he got to work on measuring all of his ingredients for the cookies. Being sure not to go over but he did add bit more chocolate chips and butter just to give the cookies a bit more of a creamy taste. As he mixed all the ingredients together he couldnt help himself but taste some of the dough and smiled as it tasted pretty good. Using a ice cream scooper he made little balls and put it on a baking sheet and placed them in the fridge to chill for 30 minutes before putting them in the already pre heated oven. While they baked he helped Abaddon cut some fabrics and once they dinged and were ready he brought them out to cool and returned back to helping Aba. After 20 minutes he looked at the small discs on the sheets touching them seeing how gooey they were and smiled when he took his first bite successfully making a very good cookie. Abaddon snuck in a treat by eating on and complimented his new found friend on the success of baking some dang good cookies!

Everyone was working hard to try new things and knew that new year was gonna bring some amazing adventures for all four of them.


Reward Amount
Enchanted Stones 16


Thumbnail for Keb-352: Negan

Keb-352: Negan

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for MYO-Keb-1065: Wesker

MYO-Keb-1065: Wesker

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for Keb-3728


Reward Amount


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VampiricPaws's Bank

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