Submission (#917) Approved

12 January 2023, 13:34:34 PST (1 year ago)
13 January 2023, 15:30:41 PST (1 year ago) by Herboreal


Christmas was a success for Negan as the group of friends and family enjoyed each others company and even had a wonderful time during the secret Santa event at the party. Negan was a ball of laughs at the gag gifts he received from Rick and Wesk, A Kiss the cook apron was a nice touch from Wesk. Carl enjoyed some fun with his new Sling shot from Abaddon who prompted him to test it out on some empty cans that they lined up in the living room. Wesk got a wonderful little Succulent from Pagan which had a little bow on its pot and the pot itself was hand painted by the keb which was a nice little Personal touch prompted Wesker to praise the keb which fed the ego of Pagan. Rick got some nice red and black mitten and hat set from Carl which he was happy to have due to the fact his mittens and hat had been eaten by some mice earlier in the year. Negan smiled fondly as Bones opened his present it being a hand crafted wooden figure of him upon his hors with some nice birch trees in the background. It was beautiful honestly and Bones thanked Negan for the wonderful gift.

about a week went by Christmas was over but many of the Kebanzus of the world still had their decorations up due to the fact the Holidays doesn't really end till the New year which always happens about 5-6 days after Christmas. Negan smiled as he was invited to Bones house this round with the group of friends for a beautiful Firework display he had set up at his estate in the Forgotten frontier. Negan met up with Wesk and Abaddon at the half way point which then brought them to Ricks and Carls home greeting them and heading out on a carriage to the estate. Pagan had already been there waiting for them to arrive as he stood by the gate. He waved when he noticed their carriage and helped them open the gate leading up to the Lords estate. Once they got there it was a gorgeous set up with beautiful Birch trees and river running through the property. The estate itself was made of large thick logs looking like something out of a log home magazine but decorated to the hills with so much beautiful Christmas decor. Bones stepped out of his estate smiling as he saw his friend and family show up greeting them and offering them to step inside to warm up before he set up the Fireworks. It was beginning to get dark which he knew he had to get those fireworks going soon as in the dark out where he is.. its a bit hard to see. While the other warmed up and had some drinks he worked on making sure the set up was safe and secure knowing that shooting off fireworks even in a open field can be a bit risky and also cause some harm. Bones checked the winds and also made sure to put out some chairs for everyone to sit and relax while also boosting his fire pit to make sure everyone was warm while he set them off. Once it was complete he headed inside to gather everyone and as they filed out and took their seats Bones started the light show.

At first it was just some small shots in the air of bright lights like a flare but soon it began to be bigger and Bigger till the whole sky was sparkling and dazzling with bright colours and shimmering sparks. Abaddon and Pagans eyes lite up like a Christmas tree seeing the beautiful shimmering colours. Wesker and Negan were smiling happily seeing the younger kebs so excited even Rick was smiling as he held his son Carl admiring the beauty of the fireworks. Bones smiled seeing everyone happy with the little light show. He made a toast as the new year rung in across the world. The sound of church bells could be heard in the distance as the year came in. Cheering with joy all of them smiled toasting to a better year and to new beginnings as friends knowing that the year of 2023 was gonna be a great one Bones could see that with his new found friends.


Reward Amount
Enchanted Candy Canes 13


Thumbnail for Keb-352: Negan

Keb-352: Negan

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for Keb-439: Carl

Keb-439: Carl

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for Keb-441: Rick ✓

Keb-441: Rick ✓

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for Keb-570: Pagan

Keb-570: Pagan

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for MYO-Keb-1065: Wesker

MYO-Keb-1065: Wesker

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for Keb-3728


Reward Amount


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Item Source Notes Quantity

VampiricPaws's Bank

Currency Quantity