Submission (#874) Approved

26 December 2022, 10:38:41 PST (1 year ago)
27 December 2022, 06:57:25 PST (1 year ago) by Herboreal


It was close to Christmas almost 3 days away.. everything was set and ready to go at Negans house in the Sapphire Mountains. He always made it a tradition to spend time with family and friends around the holidays and after meeting up with Carl and Rick at Yules party he had to have them over for the holidays!. He was gonna throw a party probably the day after so he had to prepare for a sleep over with everyone who was coming. He knew Carl would drag his dad to his home for festive cookie making and also allow them to have a little fun in the snow before the other guest arrive but he also wanted to factor in the youngsters like abaddon and his new friend Pagan.

Negan had all the beds ready and things set when the door bell rung and like clockwork Rick and Carl showed up. Carl barged into the home and tackled Negan who laughed and hugged the young keb spinning round almost while he smiled" Im so glad you were able to make it! even with the snow blizzard!" he barked which Carl smiled with a giggle" of course I wouldnt miss your gingerbread men for the world Uncle Neegs!" he cheered while he skittered off to the kitchen to get things ready for their little baking session. Negan shook Ricks paw and Rick rolled his eyes" he has been waiting for this day for 3 whole days... " he whined while Negan chuckled taking the presents they had placing them under the tree" I hope you dont mind ive invited some of my friends over as well for the holidays since.. I dont want Wesker or Abaddon to be alone on Christmas" he said softly while Rick perked shaking his head" oh of course not! the more the merrier!" he shouted happily. Both the older kebs headed to the kitchen where Carl was already getting into the Christmas spirit with setting up the trays and getting the icing all mixed up. Rick smirked helping Carl with the colours while Negan got to work on the gingerbread mix and getting the cookie cutters out. Together Rick and Negan rolled out the dough while Carl started making the shapes giggling as he did since he got a bit of flower on his nose prompting Him to splash his father with it all of them laughing as everyone turned a bit white like snow. Shortly after their clean up Negan popped them in the oven and heard another ding dong as his door, " Must be the guests! Carl could you go get the door?" he asked as Carl nodded rushing off and opened the door smiling as he did. At the door was Abaddon and Pagan who both greeted Carl offering him their gifts which Carl took and allowed them in. He perked again seeing Wesker coming up with his presents and a soft smile offering a santa hat to Carl who laughed and put it on taking the other two for the other guys inside.

Once everyone was inside Negan greeted them all and had them wipe off the snow before offering them some hot chocolate to warm up. Beaming with happiness Pagan and Abaddon cheered loving hot chocolate and both of them happily took a mug with Carl and Rick following before Wesker was last. Negan mingled for a tad bit waiting for the cookies to bake asking about what the boys wanted for Christmas and all of them listing off scientific based things to spell books to even hunting gear. Negan loved seeing everyone of them beam with glow of happiness and showing their true selves with questions like that. It brought joy to him to see them all together now. Wesker asked Negan and Rick what they wanted for Christmas and Negan chuckled" honestly just a bit of a summer get away would be nice.. I like the winter and all but I also adore the beach man" he giggled a bit as Wesker nodded" Fair" he peeped while Rick nodded' I can agree to that but genuinely im just happy to be here with family on Christmas.. and we are all healthy and happy" he purred which brought a soft smile to both boys. " Awe" Negan smirked nudging rick" So you do like me a little" He teased as Rick rolled his eyes' a little yes.. but don't push it" he growled prompted all of them to laugh a bit in response. After a few moments the cookies dinged and Negan got up to go bring them out to cool. The boys decided to go out for a bit to play in the snow which prompted Wesker to warn them" don't be out too long we gotta decorate!" he shouted outside but smiled watching all of them playing. Pagan decide to hang back and talk to Wesker about some things and found the mans sciences rather interesting. After about 20 minutes the cookies were cool and the boys came back inside to start decorating. One by one each cookie was decorated with weird and wacky little faces and attire prompting everyone to laugh. Negan ended up getting some frosting on himself making Carl giggle with Abaddon who both decided to sneak eating one of the limbs off the ginger bread men. Negan shook his head but smiled none the less at the boys before they all began to chow down on the cookies. Compliments all around this was one of the best traditions Negan greatly enjoyed!


Reward Amount
Enchanted Candy Canes 15


Thumbnail for Keb-352: Negan

Keb-352: Negan

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for Keb-439: Carl

Keb-439: Carl

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for Keb-441: Rick ✓

Keb-441: Rick ✓

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for Keb-570: Pagan

Keb-570: Pagan

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for MYO-Keb-1065: Wesker

MYO-Keb-1065: Wesker

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for Keb-3728


Reward Amount


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Item Source Notes Quantity

VampiricPaws's Bank

Currency Quantity