Submission (#816) Approved

13 December 2022, 14:02:26 PST (1 year ago)
15 December 2022, 15:10:49 PST (1 year ago) by Herboreal


Just as fast as they came into the home they were off again, Yule had rushed out informing the others of the lost pet worried sick of them being out in the winter. They had shown the group a picture of the little Winter pet seeing it so fluffy with red accents made Negan and Rick both groan because they knew it would be like finding a needle in a haystack with the freshly blanketed snow on the ground. Abaddon and Carl chirped happily trying to relieve the old men a bit while Wesk was examining the paw prints to see if there was a trail leading anywhere.

" hey everyone! The paw pads lead into the forest.. We should at least try to find where they lead to and go in groups to clear more ground" Wesk offered which Yule smiled nodding" yes that would be perfect!" they peeped with Nat nodding. " Alright Myself Nat and Yule will take one path and Abaddon and Carl you go another and Rick and Negan you go through another!" he gave the guidance and All agreed respectfully following off taking different paths within the forest once the trail of the pawprints began to fade in the snow.

Negan and Rick ventured west getting pretty deep into the forest that it eventually fell deathly silent inside. This made Rick a little on edge while Negan grabbed a stick just in case some random animal tried to think they would make a nice festive meal. Rick followed a path squinting as he heard some rustling in the tree watching. suddenly a little flash of red and white bounce out and ran barking as it skittered off" THERE!" rick yelled as Negan perked and rushed after it with him suddenly though they slipped and fell down a big icy path causing the two kebs to scream and grab eachother as they slipped and slide down the icy tube rotating in a circle as they came down from the hill and ended up in a icy field. Shaking off the snow from their bodies they looked around still holding each other Blinking a bit they jerked from one another both scoffing and blushing before Rick stood up and looked around" Oh ... well that pooch be gone now.. Neegs" he looked to Negan who brushed himself off and looked around" Dang it.." he sighed but perked hearing a snorting sound and his eyes widened as he turned slowly and saw a massive group of stags before them" Oh..Uh Rick" he said concerned as Rick shook his head but perked looking back and his ears folded as his eyed widened as well" Oh...Oh No.. Uh Ff.. Uh.. RUN-" he peeped as they both skittered running causing the stags to roar and chase after the two kebs back into the forest.

Meanwhile across the north of the group Wesk, Nat and Yule all were walking along a stone path. Yule was talking about all the fun things they used to do with their little pet giving Wesk and Nat ideas as to how to capture it and also where the little critter might be going. Wesk followed noticing a little bit of red fabric on the bush ahead and heard the small barks of Holly " I think I hear them!" He peeped back at the two and Yule made a happy squeal as they rushed in the direction of the Sounds of Holly. Seeing the little critter skitter off they followed it ending up in a icicle cave wesk grabbing Nats chest and Yules to stop them suddenly seeing the Giant spikes above" careful.." he said softly in a whisper as they walked slow hearing the sounds of holly and jingles ahead".. easy now.. " he said as they walked carefully sliding a bit since it was slick on their paws. As they continued Wesk sighed out but suddenly Yule began to loose their balance and slipped and slid everywhere making loud noises causing Wesk to tense with Nat as the icicles above began to rattle and shake. " Shh.. SHHH" he said as Yule yelped and then suddenly one fell down behind them" Dangit.. RUN" he said out loud as the whole top of the cavern began to fall causing the kebs to bolt accross the ice heading out of the cave as fast as they could. All of them diving out of the cave into a snow bank caused the caves way in to collapse behind them. Wesk panted looking over himself and the perked" is everyone okay??" he asked Yule and Nat who both put their thumbs up and he sighed contently. Nat perked seeing the little paw pads" Holly went this way come on" they peeped before they all got up after a moment and followed the path leading slowly back to the path they were on.

Finally on the east side was Abaddon and Carl both a little cold but venturing along an easy snowy fence line. Abaddon kicked his paws looking for any sign of holly but seeing nothing not until he saw small tracks along the fence" Oh.. Holly!" he said happily as Carl perked" how can you tell its so deep" he barked as Aba shook his head' I just know!" he cooed as he rushed along but suddenly it wasnt Holly Aba was met with no it was a perfectly Normal Kat who perked looking at him jingling and tilting their head. Aba blinked a bit confused by the creature reaching out to try and touch it but it hissed and swatted at him causing the other Keb to fall back into Carl and suddenly the little Kat was poof and gone into the blankets of snow burrowing and disappearing. Aba frowned and sighed" Dang it" he sighed " I really thought I could have found Holly" he said sad a bit. Carl frowned petting his friend" its alright dont worry about it im sure the others have some how found a lead!" he peeped happily. all of a sudden the soft sounds of barks could be heard and then Holly out of no where hopped into Abaddons arms licking his face and wagging their little tail. Aba smiled " HOLLY!" he said all happy petting and laughing at the licks" You scared Your owner half to death! Oh thank goodness you are okay!" he said overjoyed. Carl laughed smiling and helped his friend up but his smile faded as he heard the screams of two guys looking back he saw his Dad and Negan barreling through the forest " OUT OF THE WAY!" they both screamed rushing. Carl and Aba both quickly moved out of the way holding Holly and the two big Kebs rushed to the opposite side as the big herd of stags rushed past over the fence and kept stampeding into the field away from them.Both Negan and Rick panted scared out of their minds but the kids just laughed at them with Holly barking. Eventually they were met up with Nat, Yule and Wesk as well since the paths all met. Yule screamed with joy taking Holly" OH my baby!" they peeped hugging Holly while Abaddon smiled fondly." Thank you so much Abaddon and Thank you everyone! For helping me.. Oh Holly please dont ever do that again!" Yule peeped as the others smiled making sure they were all okay and Yule eventually lead them back to their home where they all began to have much deserved christmas dinner after one hell of a day out in the woods.


Reward Amount
Winter Pet 1
Winter Pet Collar 1
Trailing Snowmen 2
Candy Horns 1
Winter Storybook Award 2022 1
Winter Pet Friendship Bow 1


Thumbnail for NPC-006: Yule O'Hain

NPC-006: Yule O'Hain

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for NPC-007: Nat

NPC-007: Nat

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for Keb-352: Negan

Keb-352: Negan

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for Keb-439: Carl

Keb-439: Carl

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for Keb-441: Rick ✓

Keb-441: Rick ✓

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for MYO-Keb-1065: Wesker

MYO-Keb-1065: Wesker

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for Keb-3728


Reward Amount


These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

VampiricPaws's Bank

Currency Quantity