Submission (#812) Approved

13 December 2022, 08:35:10 PST (1 year ago)
13 December 2022, 12:19:48 PST (1 year ago) by Herboreal


The festivities at Yules home were thrilling and heart warming, Many kebs and Rens were all happy to be helping one another and enjoying sharing moments and stories between eachother. Yule was happy to have so many friends together during the holidays and offered to them to come inside and enjoy some nice warm coco and fresh cookies as a thanks for all their hard work. Wesk, Negan and Abaddon were all excited to join in and also Followed with Nat as well. As they all bustled inside there was a huge Crash noise and then a loud " OH NO" this prompted Negan to rush to the kitchen to see what was going on. " Oh my" he said blinking a few times as the others followed in seeing the massive piles of snow and Bitter cold air blowing in from the massive windows.

To Yules dismay a huge pine tree branch had come crashing into the window side while they were all outside working, This brought in huge piles of thick snow and even blew out the fire they had placed on prior during the indoor decorating. It had pierced through the window breaking it and also destroyed part of the countertops and massive fridge. The cookies sadly were a casualty to the likes of the branches which made the others a little bummed out. Negan waisted no time to help Yule up out of the snow and looked over the carnage of the room wondering what could have caused this, Wesk moved to begin trying to help get some of the broken branches out of the way while Negan with the help of Nat,Carl and Rick All got to work on moving the massive trunk back outside where it belongs. While they were doing that Abaddon was grabbing a shovel to clear out the snow and also see about getting the glass cleared out carefully so no one got their paw cut on it. Yule helped but was also apologizing for the mess which was brought with everyone telling them to hush it was okay this wasnt their fault. Rick, Carl and Negan got the log out with Nat making sure it wouldnt be in the way of anything making Rick and Negan chuckle since it had been a while since he had seen his sudo family. Carl elbow jabbed him in the stomach when Negan teased rick making Negan cough but chuckle and ruffle the young kebs hair and head back inside.

By this time things were beginning to clear up most of the branches and other bits and pieces were all cleared out however Negan did notice a set of snow trailing to the back door. Tilting his head he hopped over some snow banks noticing paw prints and narrowed his eyes. This caught the attention of Nat who followed after with Rick and they all bustled to the door seeing it Swung wide open. " Those are none of ours right?" Nat asked as Negan shook his head" Im afraid not Someone or something decided to pay an uninvited and very destructive visit to Yules home I think" he stated as Rick perked" Are you suggesting that whatever made these tracks caused that crash?" he asked as Negan nodded lightly" I am.. and I bet whatever it was didnt wanna stick around to feel scolded.. ? Or maybe its someone who is lost? Who knows..but we gotta investigate after we fix that window" He explained as both Rick and Nat agreed and headed back to the kitchen to help place up a brand new window helping Wesk position it and Yule to hold it. By this point the window was placed in and the hinges that slide it open were replaced. Most of the snow had been removed thanks to Aba and Carl and the kitchen was in less of dismay now. Yule was so grateful to have them there to help out. The kitchen now back to semi normal Yule wasted no time to get to work on some more cookies noting that all of them now really did deserve them and even had Abaddon and Carl help with decorating them.

Once the cookies were finished and everyone was laughing and enjoying everything Negan approached Yule to explain his findings by the door." Hey Yule.. um I think whatever did this was not some kind of fluke .. I think something or someone did it" he explained prompting Yule to raise there brow and look to the door" Oh? Wait what do you mean?" they asked as Negan explained about the paw prints and Yules eyes widened " Wait! What! Oh No.. wait.. I think I may.. hm " they all of a sudden felt dread in their stomach realizing someone or something was missing from the picture. Negan was confused but watched Yule looked around the house and then went to the door" Oh no" Yule suddenly rushed off out the door making everyone very very confused but prompted them to get up off their buts and rush after Yule. Negan, Carl, Rick, Nat, Abaddon and Wesk all grabbed their things and followed after the host wondering what in the heavens was up with them and why was these little paw prints so important.


Reward Amount
Iconic Constellations 1
Fairy Lights 1
Trailing Lanterns 1
Soot Trails 1
Frosty Breath 1
Enchanted Candy Canes 16


Thumbnail for NPC-006: Yule O'Hain

NPC-006: Yule O'Hain

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for NPC-007: Nat

NPC-007: Nat

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for Keb-352: Negan

Keb-352: Negan

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for Keb-439: Carl

Keb-439: Carl

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for Keb-441: Rick ✓

Keb-441: Rick ✓

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for MYO-Keb-1065: Wesker

MYO-Keb-1065: Wesker

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for Keb-3728


Reward Amount


These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

VampiricPaws's Bank

Currency Quantity