Submission (#804) Approved

11 December 2022, 12:13:15 PST (1 year ago)
13 December 2022, 03:40:34 PST (1 year ago) by Herboreal


It was beginning to storm and much of the big bursts of snow were roaring and blasting across all of the sapphire peak. Negan had not really prepared for this kind of excitement however he was happier to know that at least he wouldnt have to go out and trek through it anytime soon. He had invited over Wesk and Abaddon to have some winter fun however when the storm rolled in it kinda put a damper on the play time due to the fact it was a tad too fringed for them to be out there. No matter Negan was just happy to know his friends were safe and sound in the bustles of his humble home.

Once he got them nice and situated he began to work on making sure the house was nice and cozy for the evening together. He had some firewood piled up inside for this occasion just in case of this situation and began putting on a nice big bursting fire with some candles lit to give the room a bit more of a calm and comforting vibe to it. With the help of Wesk he was able to get the fire blasting and even put on some soft music on the record player he found at a yard sale back in the summer. Abaddon found the music very wholesome and soothing allowing himself to wrap up in one of the fur blankets Negan had lying around and even got himself interested in one of the new fantasy books Negan had on the table. Wesk was making sure the windows were nice and tightly shut so the heat wouldnt seep out and offered to help with making some nice hot coco to help warm their cold paws from playing out in the snow earlier. Negan obliged and helped guide him in where everything was and even got the cups out. He knew that abaddon would want some marshmallows in his so he managed to find those buried in his candy cabinet and placed them in the cups for them to all enjoy.

Shortly before Negan also had some gingerbread cookies baking while they were finishing up their snow ball fight outside. That started to ding on the stove so he got his oven mittens out and pulled the cookies out letting them cool as they waited for the kettle to boil. Not long after the kittle began to whistle and scream as the kebs were telling stories by the fire and Abaddon this time got up and poured the water into cups with the fresh hot coco mix and stirred it all for them. Adding his much needed marshmallows he waddled back over with a tray holding the cups out to each of them and laughed when Negan just dove in not realizing how hot it was and made a face. They enjoyed their cocos together laughing and smiling as they looked at photos of their childhood together, It wasnt long after when Negan got up with the three of them and they checked on the gingerbread cookies. Thrilled that they cooled enough now all three of them got to work on decorating them. Wesk seemed to be the best at it as his lines and art skills showed off at how well the little gingerbread looked, Negans was a bit lop sided which made them all laugh while Abaddon couldnt help but get frosting all over himself.

After some funny food hiccups they finished off the cookies and ventured off to get changed into some warm fuzzy PJs as they all huddled around the fire again with their cocos sharing stories and talking about what they plan to do for the holidays. It was a grand time and Negan felt happy to be able to see his friends for the holidays. Suddenly they all perked as they heard a knock at the door " who could that be.. and this storm?" Wesk asked as Negan got up wondering over to the door opening it but nothing was there but a small little package. He looked around shutting and locking the door after reading the note and seeing the small little box of candy canes.. The Note was from Yule?" Seems we are invited to Yules home for decorating.. Guess we all get to go in the morning!" he chirped and Wesk smirked as Abaddon cheered in excitement. After all the excitement Negan placed the invite down on the table and yawned taking the candy cans back and shared them with his friends. Tonight was gonna be a long night but tomorrow was gonna be one hell of a experience he thought to himself.


Reward Amount
Enchanted Candy Canes 13


Thumbnail for Keb-352: Negan

Keb-352: Negan

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for MYO-Keb-1065: Wesker

MYO-Keb-1065: Wesker

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for Keb-3728


Reward Amount


These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

VampiricPaws's Bank

Currency Quantity