Submission (#802) Approved

10 December 2022, 16:53:28 PST (1 year ago)
11 December 2022, 07:52:04 PST (1 year ago) by sunnydito


Snow had fallen overnight all through the land and by morning it was a huge winter wonderland in the Red forest. Deep in the woods not far from the mountainside was Wesk working on setting up christmas lights on his christmas trees finally getting into the festive spirit. He knew he had to get some things done before he got back to work but as he finished off the last bits of his tree he looked at the fresh blankets of snow and realized it was almost calling to him. Some form of instincts kicked in and he smiled pouncing into the huge pile of fluffy snow laughing as he did it. once he stuck his head out he had a snow beard making himself giggle before he slid down the small hill and rolled around making little snow angels.

A playful and childish behaviour began to kick in with him and he wanted to do more around the yard. Wesk papped around watching the prints in the snow he made with his paws where he eventually began to make little faces in the snow during the process. He perked noticing little bird prints following them into the forest as he trailed along following all kinds of animal prints noting them and studying them happily. As he came upon a huge hill he got an amazing idea to venture over pulling off some old bark and made some kind of sled out of it. He placed it down testing it before smirking and launching himself off the hill and sliding down the hill on his bark sled. When he slid to the bottom he laughed having a couple more rounds of that before he grew tired of it, Wesk wondered from the hill finding himself going down a gorgeous stone path under the snow covered trees.Glimmering Ice could be seen shining off the rock faces and the powder snow glimmering from the ground with glitter and soft appearance. It was truly a marvel to be had in the eyes of the keb. Wesk was in awe at the beauty of the path seeing cardinals chirp and dance off the branches showing a sliver of bright red colour amongst the white and grey landscape. Following down the path he came across a gorgeous pond frozen over and glimmering in the sunlight. Wesk touched it with his paw seeing it a bit slippery but he smirked gently moving over it making sure it could support his weight. Once he was sure he wasnt gonna go through he began to skate across it, Slipping a bit and falling on his ass once or twice he huffed but smiled none the less as he glided around the pond. He was followed by the two birds who flew around him making him snicker as he skated about for an hour.

Eventually though he had to head back to his home he knew it was getting into the later afternoon and needed to have a bit of a break from his adventure. As he said goodbye to the birds he headed back to his home and grinned seeing his yard full of festive things. He went back inside for a moment making himself some gingerbread cookies and also some hot coco he took a well deserved break to warm up and just allow himself to look over some much needed work he had been avoiding today. However his feelings of wanting to do one more thing ventured back into his mind and he grinned. He put his tablet down grabbing his warmer clothing and as the sun was getting ready to set he headed back outside and started to roll the snow into some balls and bricks. His first task was to try and make a little hut out of snow so he could have a little fort to hang out in with the animals or friends. He built brick after brick and eventually had a little small hut built completely of snow even building a little sitting area and a place to vent out heat if he needed to start a fire which he decided to do to allow for a small spot to take a break. After a while he finished that he began making little people and kebs out of snow laughing a bit as he made some funny faces on them. Eventually the sun was starting to set and sadly his fun would come to an end for the day which wasnt a bad thing. Wesk did so much today and learnt to be a kid again amongst the snow. He went to his porch of his home looking at the little village he made in his yard smiling happily but now very cold. He sighed yawning and decided to head back inside for more hot coco, Smiling a bit he found today was a wonderful day and he hoped many more would come before the snow melted in the spring.


Reward Amount
Enchanted Candy Canes 11


Thumbnail for MYO-Keb-1065: Wesker

MYO-Keb-1065: Wesker

Reward Amount


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VampiricPaws's Bank

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