Submission (#801) Approved

10 December 2022, 15:32:12 PST (1 year ago)
11 December 2022, 07:53:34 PST (1 year ago) by sunnydito


Christmas was fast approaching and all across the land many kebs and other folks were preparing for the festivities. Oliver the pet shop keeper had a grand old plan to bring together many folks from across the world. He wanted to host a christmas party but the catch was you had to come with your pets and also wear the most tacky, festive and obscure christmas sweaters for both yourself and your pet. Another great festive idea Oliver had was to host an adoption blitz during his christmas party which he knew would allow some older pets to get some good loving homes during the holidays. It was all perfect and once he sent off those invites he knew many would come.

In the red forest Wesk was working hard and kind of forgot to get to decorating his home for the holidays. It had snowed quite a bit and the whole forest had a light blanket over its leaves and ground. Wesk worked tirelessly only to stop when he heard a tinking at his window. Looking up from his microscope seeing a raven holding a letter in its beak, Raising a brow wesk got up and went over to the window opening it and taking the letter thanking the humble messenger. After watching the bird fly off he shut his window and opened the letter seeing it was an invite to the christmas party from Olivers pet shop.Curious Wesk grinned and saw the claus and got tinkering about his thoughts as to what he could make to wear.

Meanwhile not far from Wesks home deep in the western part of the forest was Abaddon skittering about setting up lights, skeleton santas and getting into the festive spirit. With the new snow fall it brought great joy to the young keb as the white mixed with the red and warm colours it truly brought some magic to the forest. While he was setting lights on his two big pine trees he heard the russle and caws of raven. It made his ears perk as he looked up to see a messenger raven swoop down and offer him a letter. Just like the one wesk had it was a letter to the party and Abaddon was thrilled to be invited. Thanking the messenger Abaddon immediately ran back inside tossing all kinds of fabrics and materials to put together a sweater. He knew he had to make something perfect and maybe even make some small ones for the pets at the shop.

Finally in the nook cabin by the sapphire point Negan was out setting up his stick reindeer and got some lights together to add to his garlen that wrapped around his porch. He hummed a soft tune fixing up the lights and bows when he saw a raven hop down from the roof and onto his buck. He tilted his head but grinned thanking him for the letter and read it smiling fondly" Aw thank you bud.. alright I will come Head on off now" he said happily as he watched the little raven go and then finished his decorating before walking inside and working on figuring out what to wear to the party.

After a few days the party was set and the guests began to arrive at the pet shop some with their pets ranging from Caperas to UV drakes even a small little strudid came skittering in with its owner. Oliver was thrilled to see so many people have arrived even more thilled to see some new comers. Walking over to Wesk and Abaddon he noticed the excitement on Abaddons face when he saw the little UV Drakes for sale. " Nice to see some new faces around here.. Welcome and thanks for coming " He said humble to the both of them. Wesk bowed his head and grinned " not a problem your shop always thrilled me because I love seeing the little critters and perhaps when ive had some more funds I may be able to take one of them home." he said softly which made Oliver smile. Abaddon smiled petting the small little grey drake and pulled out a little sweater to match his " you mind if I?" he offered and Oliver shook his head" not at all! " he chirped as Abaddon placed it on the little grey drake smiling as it chirped at him and he picked it up looking to Oliver" LOOK now we match!" he laughed a bit as Oliver chuckled seeing the little sweater and observed Abaddons Which was very tacky showing off some lights that flickered and a poorly drawn Santa with a chirstmas tree. very noticeable tinsel on the sleeves with some glitter glue all over the bottom of it to make it look like sparkling snow. To top it off there was some paper stars on the collar that in Keb language spelled out Happy Holidays. Extremely cute and fitting for the young keb who was still learning his crafts, Oliver smiled looking to weskers who was fitting for the science man having holly bits glued on with little paper reindeer prancing along the bottom of the sweater wrapping around to some pine trees he made out of real pine pieces sporting a nice pine tree smell from him but also added some plad bows and make shift wrapping paper to make into presents under the trees on him. Oliver couldnt help but laugh with joy seeing them and even awarded little Abaddon a gift for making a sweater for one of the pets up for adoption.

After venturing from them he noticed Negan mingling with some mutuals and also admiring some of the pets in the store. Oliver hopped over and introduced himself to Negan which Negan humbling receipted back." Your shop is so amazing and everything you are doing this year is really sweet!" he said with glee as Oliver smiled back" Thank you! I love your sweater its really festive and suits you well Negan" he said as he looked over the big Kebs black and red sweater made from a red and black plad sweart he made christmas trees out of soft plush material adding glitter stars to the tops of them and working lights on them. He used some form of flossy material for snow and added some stick reindeer on his belly and flying by his collar. to top it off Negan decided to wear a santa hat. Oliver was so thrilled to see them all together and looked at the pets Negan and Abbadon were admiring, Negan was overlooking a Blackish Dog that Abaddon put a cute red and blue sweater on it. It was so sweet of him to do that for them, eventually the ones who got little sweaters from Abaddon ended up all getting adopted and even got awards because of it. This warmed Abaddons heart and also Olivers seeing so many pets get good homes. It was a wonderful experience and Oliver was thrilled to see that his party was such a success


Reward Amount
Enchanted Stones 21


Thumbnail for NPC-009: Oliver

NPC-009: Oliver

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for Keb-352: Negan

Keb-352: Negan

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for MYO-Keb-1065: Wesker

MYO-Keb-1065: Wesker

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for Keb-3728


Reward Amount


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Item Source Notes Quantity

VampiricPaws's Bank

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