Submission (#800) Approved

10 December 2022, 13:19:37 PST (1 year ago)
11 December 2022, 07:54:39 PST (1 year ago) by sunnydito


Deep in the dark woods of the Red forest was a black cabin in the woods. Surrounded by birch trees and gorgeous rose bushes was the home of Abaddon a young reckless keb who probably shouldn't be meddling with black magic at his age. Aba enjoyed tending to his garden and building an almost sanctuary for him to escape to when he didnt want to deal with the responsibilities of the adult world. Aba was fairly new to the dark arts and took up many books on it building an almost library for his interests however at this time he was tending to a much more personal matter. Abaddon was thrilled he was accepted into classes to learn some of the magic arts and spells however he wanted to stand out from the normal people a bit and have his own flare on things. This prompted him to search for some inspiration for his new attire. He pondered on what he could do to find it and suddenly a little lightbulb went off in his head" I KNOW!" he peeped cutely as he rushed to grab a shall and a few things for his adventure. " im gonna go out into the forest and lands and find some inspiration for my new look" he said to himself.

With that Abaddon was off locking up and heading out for the evening in search of new elements to take and sketch for his new attire. As he walked along the forest floor he noticed the colours of the leaves and the changing seasons, Autumn into winter was one of his favourite seasons after all and he couldnt help but smile at all the gorgeous colours that surrounded him. Taking those oranges and almost sunset colours he placed a couple leaves into his scrap book and ventured on. Following the stone path he came across a waterfall that almost shimmered off the light reflecting off the sun that was setting. While he looked at it its purples and blues almost glowed lighting up little speckles that ultimately caught his attention to a large broken down ruins. Hopping over the rocks to get to it he looked it over admiring the craftsmanship and smiling at the keyholes and glimmering bits of blue fungi that shimmered from the light. he noted that in his book taking a bit of samples and drawing a couple keys on his page before continuing.

After some time he became dark and Abaddon found himself in an open field, all around him was lush soft grass blowing against the gentle breeze but above him was shimmering stars bright and aplenty. He stared wide eyed at the stars and the large crescent moon just rising after the sun fell. He couldn't help but smile at the mesmerizing display before him. Eventually he laid down in the centre admiring all around him watching the fireflies dance about in the grass and grinned writing in his scrapbook while also sketching up new attire for himself. He touched his neck frowning slightly as he could hear the voices in his head from the ruinic markings on his neck.. causing him to growl knowing his darker half was trying to play tricks on him. But he smiled none the less and finished up his concept. He laid his head down resting there for a couple hours before venturing back to his home to begin work on his new attire.

Once home he got to work quickly and worked on building himself a new look. It took him about 2 days to obtain the fabrics and get all the right parts assembled but once it was all said and done Aba dawned the outfit and couldnt help but almost squeal in excitement. What he had on was a black undershirt with one of his favourite Horror movie icons on it, Black bandages around his neck and wrists. Bluish cargo half pants with many pockets for his trinkets and potions. A big varsity jacket that had a gorgeous moon and sun marking sew into it with stars going down the sleeves along with a reddish pink lining and trim to match the leaves. Inside he also lined it with some encouraging words to help him through his studies. After looking it over he knew something was missing and he perked grabbing some old keys he purchases from a merchant a few weeks back. Shining them up he placed them on string and hooked them to his jacket dangling them on a glimmering blue string. " There we go All done!"


Reward Amount
Enchanted Stones 10


Thumbnail for Keb-3728


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VampiricPaws's Bank

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