Submission (#1622) Approved

31 October 2023, 14:02:28 PDT (10 months ago)
31 October 2023, 16:21:10 PDT (10 months ago) by Nopalrabbit


Words: 502
4 Kebs and Mascot Used

The sunlight warmed Sycamore’s back as she crouched down to cut a pumpkin’s stem and heave it into the basket beside her. She stood up straight and popped her back, enjoying the crisp air as she heard her boyfriend pick up his own baskets of crops.

Louis, a ren fair, with arms enough to carry two baskets instead of one. “My darling, are you sure you can handle that basket by yourself? You have a few pumpkins and gourds already.”

Sycamore waved off Louis’ concern. “Don’t you worry, I’ve been handling crops like this every year. Harvest season has always been my favorite activity in Autumn.”

He looked curious, “Has it really?”

She nodded, “I remember when my kids were younger and helping me, they always tried their best.”

Suddenly a voice called out, “What mom! I’m still doing my best?” Meadowlark was shaking his head from where his brother and him were picking their own crops.

North nudged his brother, “She’s just enjoying a memory, she’s not trying to say we’re not working hard.”

Sycamore rolled her eyes fondly, “I’m sure North is trying his best, but don’t think I didn’t see you take some crops from your brother, Lark.”

Louis chuckled when Meadowlark stuttered, “There’s no prizes for collecting the most Meadowlark, just collect what you want.”

Meadowlark crossed his arms, before he shook his head with a laugh, “Okay, okay you caught me! I won’t take anymore from North.”

“That’s right you won’t,” North muttered, pulling his basket closer, “I didn’t even realize you were taking any.”

The brothers lightly bickered as Sycamore and Louis laughed.

It was only when they heard the wheels of a nearby wagon, they all turned to see Sam O’Hain, the season Herald, in the driver’s seat. “Hello there friends!”

He pulled the wagon to a slow stop, “I’m here to collect some of the crops.” He looked around them, “Wow so many baskets!” He had to admit this family was quicker than some of the others in different parts of the field, he could tell they were the type that were used to farming or at least gardening.

Sycamore bowed her head, “Well me and my boys wanted to help out and we saw there were still so many crops. We can load up your wagon and have more crops for you when you get back.”

North and Meadowlark raised their hands to agree while Louis laughed. They were a family that would not stop until the work was all done and might even do more after.

Sam brightened with a large smile, “Now that’s what I like to hear! This year’s crops were a lot larger than last year; we need all the help!”

He had to admit he was impressed by this family’s drive and passion, and that’s exactly what he wanted for his season. To see families work together to help others and at the same time, get to enjoy all of their time together. To enjoy his holidays together.


Reward Amount
Enchanted Candy Corn 13



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