Submission (#1618) Approved

31 October 2023, 11:18:46 PDT (10 months ago)
31 October 2023, 15:00:00 PDT (10 months ago) by Herboreal


Words: 504
4 kebs and Mascot used

With the bright Autumn sun and the boisterous sounds of laughter, Rebel tried to find her way through the corn maze. It didn’t help that she kept having to stop every second.

“Foley! Indigo! Stop trying to climb the damn corn!” The ren fair huffed in a frustrated breath as she made her way over to the twins.

Indigo snickered as she pulled her brother away from cornstalks, “Aw come on, Rebel, we were trying to get a better view.”

Foley brushed off his fur as he matched his sister’s own mischievous grin. “Yeah! I mean Neo got us lost in here.”

There was an affronted gasp to their right as Neo stood with their hand over their chest, “Well excuse me for having fun, trying to find our way out too quickly is boring. Besides, the club’s been so busy lately. We need to take our time tonight.”

Rebel was quick to agree, “Tell me about it, my muscles are sore. Too many drunks that need to be pulled out onto the streets. I’m not looking to rush through this place.”

The twins sighed dramatically, with Foley falling against his sister’s side. “Oh Indigo, we’re being told we’re no fun.”

Indigo nodded, “Oh it’s breaking my heart!” The pair burst out into laughter, only freezing when another laughing voice joined them.

“They’re right you know.” The mysterious voice said, before a movement from the cornstalks revealed them to be the one and only Sam O’Hain, the Hearld of Fall.

Sam stepped away from the stalks and bowed his head, “Hello folks and welcome to my maze.” He looked at the twins, “I admire forward thinking, but this maze is about direction not cheating to the finish line.”

The twins looked bashfully down, hiding their grins between each other’s paws. No one would ever stop their behavior, but they could play nice for one of the most mischievous kebanzu there was.

Neo nodded, giving their employees and friends a quick glance. “Exactly right, games are no fun if you have to cheat at them.”

Sam chuckled, “Besides, this maze isn’t going anywhere. You can stay as long as you like!”

Rebel was more than quick to cut in. “That doesn’t mean we’re going to be here all day, just enough time to enjoy all this. We got more shit to do.”

Neo scoffed, “It’s fine Rebel, we all know to be quick but not too quick.”

Foley and Indigo looked at each other, before quickly grabbing onto each of Sam’s arms. Foley tilted his head, “Then show us how to enjoy the maze, Sam!”

Indigo laughed loudly, “Yeah! We have to understand this right?”

Before Neo and Rebel could stop them, the twins were already racing off with Sam. Neo could only shake their head as Rebel sighed loudly.

This kind of season always bought out the wild and fun side of the holidays, but in the end, as long as everyone eventually enjoyed themselves, this was one of the best seasons all year.


Reward Amount
Enchanted Candy Corn 10


Thumbnail for Keb-2074: Foley Wilde

Keb-2074: Foley Wilde

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for Keb-2415: Indigo Vibes

Keb-2415: Indigo Vibes

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for MYO-Ren-342


Reward Amount


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oldmanbecca's Bank

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