Submission (#1617) Approved

31 October 2023, 10:53:17 PDT (10 months ago)
31 October 2023, 14:32:21 PDT (10 months ago) by Herboreal


Words: 756

With the low fog rolling in around their paws and the ominous glow emanating from the foliage, Eclipsa kept Spindle close to her as they waited for the creatures or creatures to reveal themselves. It was with baited breaths, or rather panicked ones from Spindle, their quarry finally revealed itself.

With a loud boisterous laugh, the Herald of Fall, the only and only Sam O’Hain, burst out of the trees, on the back of a hors with a ghostly skull for its head. Sam threw his head back, cheering in his way as he stopped his hors in front of them. “Ha! I knew someone would eventually find us! To think I started those rumors and not a single kebanzu was able to find me yet!”

Eclipsa looked surprised, her eyes glued to the mysterious hors. She had never seen one quite like this before and even now she was trying to make sense of it all.

That left Spindle to gently wiggle out of her arms and approached the Herald. “I’m so happy to see you and not a monster Sam, but why would you start a rumor about dangerous creatures in between hubs?”

Sam shook his head, “I didn’t want anyone to think they were dangerous, or well all of them as dangerous, I just wanted these amazing creatures to be appreciated. Like this one!” He whistled and from the woods, appeared a strange ice cream devil with cracked elemental eyes. Instead of back legs, the creature had a ghostly tail that flickered as he floated towards them.

“This little guy, Worm, is owned by a baker named Jack. He let me borrow his pet for tonight to show off these exciting creatures.” Sam was quick to continue, as he whistled again, “Or how about a perfectly normal dog that isn’t quite so normal!”

Like a flash of lightning, a pnd raced around them. His fur was long and flowing, as his glowing eyes flashed through the darkness. Sam grinned, “This fella, Kipper, is owned by a fisherman named Emerson, I heard he found him washed ashore!”

Worm floated his way to Eclipsa, making little squeaks as she reached out her paw to pet him. Eclipsa was absolutely taken by this strange little ice cream devil, that is until Kipper was playfully biting at her ankles, barking for her attention.

Eclipsa wanted to know everything about how these creatures came to be, they were by far the most unique and strange creatures she had ever seen. She looked at Spindle.

Spindle nodded, “I know what you mean! Isn’t this all very exciting? I had no idea that pets could be born at these creatures!”

Sam laughed again, “Not just pets! Here Banshee!” He practically howled the name as a pair of large wings could be heard flapping. “Meet the astral, Banshee, isn’t she beautiful?”

Eclipsa and Spindle looked up quickly, their eyes widened as a spooky astral landed in front of them. Her feathers were like wisps around her, giving her a ghostly appearance as she walked closer to them.

Sam jumped off his hors back to stand beside Banshee, petting her beak when she leaned down, “This astral belongs to a curiosities shop owner named Curio, who almost loves Fall more than I do, almost. This is my season, after all.” And no one could ever love this time of year more than good old Sam O’Hain. “Oh and my hors, Rascal, but you’ve already seen him so far.”

Eclipsa felt excited, her heart pounding as they looked at these spooky creatures. She had always known, in her heart, that there had to be mysterious creatures. These pets and mounts were far more than she expected tonight, far more than she ever expected to find. She exhaled softly and Spindle was quick to turn towards her.

“I know what you mean Eclipsa, who would have thought we’d actually find the creatures we were after! I still can’t believe this!” Spindle shyly went up to pet Rascal’s boney nose.

Sam raised an eyebrow, “How’d you know what she wanted?”

Spindle smiled proudly and looked at Eclipsa, “Well when you’re best friends with someone you tend to always know what they’re thinking.”

Eclipsa nodded.

Sam snorted, “Well then, that’s the perfect spooky power for the holidays. I hope, should either of you find other spooky pets or mounts that you’ll come find me! I’d love to see them.

The pair agreed quickly. Who would have thought that their hunt would be their best one yet?


Reward Amount
Spooky Pet 1
Jack O’ Lantern Carvings 1
Trailing Ghosts 1
Empty Eyes 1
Monster Mouth 1
Body Antennae 1
Fall Storybook Award 2023 1


Thumbnail for Keb-3262


Reward Amount
Thumbnail for Pet-017: Kipper

Pet-017: Kipper

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for Pet-039


Reward Amount
Thumbnail for Pet-156: Worm

Pet-156: Worm

Reward Amount


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