Submission (#1408) Approved

7 July 2023, 21:30:22 PDT (1 year ago)
8 July 2023, 08:17:28 PDT (1 year ago) by Herboreal


Words: 501
ES: 12
Four Characters Used

With the sun beaming hotly on their backs and ice cream in each hand, Lancelot and his adoptive renfair nephew, Bodhi, were hard at work building the largest sandcastle they possibly could.

Lancelot was packing in sand and offhandedly eating his ice cream. “You tell me if it gets too hot okay? I don’t want you getting sick.”

Bodhi nodded, “Okay!” The young ren was happily eating his ice cream and staring out at the ocean. “Can we go swimming after this?”

Lance shrugged, “I think we’ll need to ask your parents before we do.”

Suddenly they heard a deep laugh and Bodhi’s father, Goliath leaned over them. “You’re shaping up to be the lame uncle, you don’t have to ask me and Red every time you do something.”

A different, feminine voice spoke up. “Actually, I appreciate him asking us.” Red frowned, crossing her arms, “Our boy is still young, and I do not want him getting hurt.”

Goliath scoffed, “Come on Red, it’s just a little water. Besides we’re here we can keep an eye on him in case he goes too deep or if Lance does. He likes showing off.” The ren suddenly coughed as a handful of sand hit his chest.

“Get out of here Go, no one needs your bad mouthing.” Lancelot laughed, continuing on the sandcastle as if he didn’t just throw sand at his adoptive brother.

Goliath smirked, “Sounds like someone is upset he couldn’t convince his boyfriend to come.”

Lancelot flushed, “What?! He’s not my boyfriend.”


Red leaned over to slap Goliath’s shoulder, “Quit being mean to your brother, if anything maybe we can help with this sandcastle, and all go swimming.” She knelt down beside Bodhi, “What do you say, darling, you want our help too?”

Bodhi brightened up and nodded. “Yeah! Come on mom and dad! We just have to finish a few towers and the moat!” As if encouraged, he devoured the rest of his ice cream and went back to building.

Goliath grinned and plopped down next to his brother, “Okay, fine, I’m sure we can make the best sandcastle this beach as ever seen. After all, we all have experience with the medieval right?”

The four of them laughed, after all, working at a renaissance fair did mean they were used to the buildings and pretending to be noble characters donning armor.

Lancelot nodded, “We will, there’s no doubt and then we’ll have to go swimming once the ice cream settles.”

Red smiled, “Good call, nothing worse than an upset stomach when you’re trying to swim. Takes the fun right out of things.”

Bodhi nearly vibrated with excitement, “Let’s hurry!”

The adults laughed as Bodhi continued to quickly build, hopefully he wouldn’t be too tired when he was done. But even if that happened, this was a wonderful day at the beach. They got to bond as a family and to build something all of them could have a hand in. They enjoyed a summer day together.


Reward Amount
Enchanted Sand Dollars 12


Thumbnail for Ren-192: Bodhi Elwyne

Ren-192: Bodhi Elwyne

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for Ren-449: Goliath Elwyne

Ren-449: Goliath Elwyne

Reward Amount


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