Submission (#1407) Approved

7 July 2023, 21:05:17 PDT (1 year ago)
8 July 2023, 08:16:11 PDT (1 year ago) by Herboreal


Words: 512
ES: 12
Four Characters Used

There were twin shrieks of laughter that carried on the wind from a pair of rambunctious young kebanzu and it was all Atlas could do but to listen to the sounds of his sons play.

He called out towards them, “Be careful with your brother, Ares, you know he doesn’t like it when you’re too rough."

Ares looked up, pouting as he got off of his brother. “I didn’t do anything dad! Sterling’s fine!”

Sterling stood up, shaking leaves out of his fur, and trying to stand straight as if he didn’t get tackled at full force by his twin. “I’m okay!”

Atlas shook his head, just in time to hear his husband calling his name, “Yeah dear?”

Silver frowned, crossing his arms as he looked at the three of them, his husband, and his sons. “I just finished putting up the tent while you all goofed around, I have half a mind to make you sleep outside for not helping. “

Atlas fell on his knees dramatically, clasping his hands together. “Oh, please don’t make us sleep outside lovely, it’s an honest mistake.”

Ares and Sterling looked at their taller father and copied him. They fell to their little knees and gave Silver the biggest puppy eyes they could.

“We didn’t mean it!” Sterling begged.

“We were just excited!” Ares continued.

Silver sighed, before he broke out in a soft smile. “Alright, alright, you know I can’t stay mad at any of you. But you better help me take this down when it’s time to go home.”

The trio jumped up, smothering Silver in a tight hug. Atlas chuckled, “Knew you couldn’t stay mad at us Silvy, I swear I’ll help you. Scout’s honor and all that.” He planted a kiss on his husband’s cheek, even as Ares made a dry heaving sound.

Atlas pretended to gape in shock. “Hey! None of that, you’ll be doing this too when you find your one and only.”

Ares struck out his tongue, “Ugh no way that’s gross!”

Sterling smiled shyly, “I think its sweet.”

Ares rolled his eyes, “Cause you like all that romantic stuff.”

Silver laughed quietly, “Shush you two, there’s nothing wrong with being in love. It’s made me and your father very happy.”

Atlas nodded, “And it’s that love that made the two of you so come on, let’s go check out the tent. I bet you your dad made it all nice and cozy for us.”

Silver agreed, “Oh yes I did, I even got the big fluffy blankets that grandma gave us, so we’ll be all warm and toasty when it gets cold.”

Ares grinned, showing off his small fangs, “Awesome! Grandma always knits the best stuff!”

Sterling seemed just as happy as his brother. “Even the rainbow one?”

Silver smiled fondly, “Especially the rainbow one.”

The boys cheered and raced for the tent, leaving their dads behind.

Atlas gave Silver a quick kiss, “You’re the best, you know that?”

Silver snicked, “So you’ve told me.”

With luck, this would a night of fun family memories and love.


Reward Amount
Enchanted Sand Dollars 12


Thumbnail for Keb-2396: Silver Woods

Keb-2396: Silver Woods

Reward Amount


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