Submission (#1404) Approved

7 July 2023, 20:16:24 PDT (1 year ago)
8 July 2023, 08:13:47 PDT (1 year ago) by Herboreal


Words: 512
ES: 13
5 Characters and Mascot

With the humanity in the air and the pinpricks of sea salt in the air, Cernu officially admitted to the fact he was not a fan of the beach, even less so the tidepools that his son was eagerly showing him.

Elwood tugged on his father’s arm, his young voice carrying, “Daddy! We gotta find scuttlers!”

Cernu frowned, looking resigned to his fate as a strong arm clapped onto his shoulders. The smiling face of his father-in-law greeted him.

Emerson slightly shook Cernu as he laughed. “Don’t look so glum, son, you have to look alive when crab hunting. ‘Sides, Tavi said she and Harvey will make us dinner.”

“Why did I get volunteered?” Harvey called out, looking at Emerson with an unimpressed stare. “Bad enough you made me go to the beach, now I have to cook after.”

In a sudden show of movement, Octavia was quick to grab Harvey in a tackle, “Aw come on, you don’t want to cook for my hubby and baby, favorite other dad?”

Harvey huffed, shoving gently at Octavia’s shoulder. “Not when I didn’t have a choice you troublemaker.”

“Little details,” she laughed, moving away from Harvey only to drape herself over Cernu’s shoulders. She was abusing the fact her husband was shorter than her. “Cerny, stop with the long face.”

Elwood giggled at his parents, grabbing onto his father’s legs. “Yeah daddy! No long face!”

Cernu sighed heavily, but he was weak to the smiles of both Octavia and their son. “Fine.” He leaned down to pick up Elwood and moved one hand to grab Octavia’s. “Let’s go.”

“Aw Harvey look at that!” Emerson cooed, “He’s all soft for my daughter and grandson.”

Cernu replied with a strong voice, “You almost cried yesterday because you thought Harvey was mad at you.”

Emerson stuttered as Harvey broke out in laughter. “Oi Emerson, you really get that emotional?”

Emerson held up his hands, “That’s a lie, I didn’t!”

Cernu was quick to pull his family along as Harvey kept teasing Emerson. It was only when they were a ways away that they bumped into a familiar kebanzu.

It was Summer, the herald of summer, himself. He was quick to smile, giving Elwood a little wave as the boy cuddled shyly against his father. “I see I’m not the only one enjoying the tidepools today.”

Octavia grinned, leaning forward to talk, “Hey Summer, fancy seeing you here! It’s our son’s first time here. Know where we can find some scuttlers.”

Summer nodded, gesturing to his side, “You’re actually really close, there should be a few of them in a pool a few feet that way. However, best be careful, those scuttlers have a hard pinch.” He held up his hand, showing off a small welt.

Octavia nodded, “Don’t you worry, we won’t let any of those scuttlers hurt our baby.”

“Good!” Summer laughed, waving at them as he walked past them. “Good luck hunting!”

Octavia nodded, turning to Cernu. “Come on gang, let’s go!” She grabbed Cernu’s hand harder and tugged him to away to more tidepools.


Reward Amount
Enchanted Sand Dollars 13


Thumbnail for NPC-004: Summer

NPC-004: Summer

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for Keb-2724: Emerson Acker

Keb-2724: Emerson Acker

Reward Amount


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