Submission (#1400) Approved

7 July 2023, 19:35:44 PDT (1 year ago)
8 July 2023, 08:10:11 PDT (1 year ago) by Herboreal


Words: 516
ES: 13
Five Characters with Mascot

The summer sun blazed hotly above Pudge’s floatie and yet, the pink kebanzu felt perfectly content with his hands and toes dipped into the cold water as he floated calmly. It was always nice to have a day off work and to enjoy the summer fun. Even better when he raised his head and heard the laughter of his friends.

Octavia and Tsunami were caught in an intense water gun fight and Pudge squealed with laughter as he accidentally got caught by a stray burst of water.

Octavia snorted, “Watch it ‘Nami, you’re getting Pudge wet!”

Tsunami scoffed, “He’s already in the water, why’s it matter if he gets wet?!”

She grinned, showing off her sea glass teeth, “Those are fighting words, I won’t let you disrespect our sweet little Pudge like that!” She jumped forward and blasted Tsunami with a direct hit from her water gun.

Tsunami roared in outrage and tried to get her back, eventually he was laughing as hard as she was. The pair of them got soaked from all of the fun they were having. Those two could fight until the sky turned dark if they were not careful.

Pudge could only shake his head at his friends’ antics, that is until someone else bumped into his floatie. “Oh! Mister Emerson!”

He turned to greet the older kebanzu and smiled brightly when he noticed Octavia’s son was lifted up onto Emerson’s arms. “Teaching little Elwood to swim?”

“Hmm,” The old fisherman grinned, nodding his head, “Yes yes, the kid needs to learn, but you know my daughter. Her and Nami are too busy with their games.”

Elwood giggled under his grandfather’s arms, reaching with little hands to look up at Pudge. “Hey Pudgy Wudgy! I like your floatie.”

Pudge laughed kindly, “Aw thank you Elwood, I’ll have to let you borrow it when I’m done basking.”

Emerson snorted, sounding eerily similar to Octavia’s own snort. “Not before I’m done teaching him.”

Elwood whined, “But papa I’m tired.”

The fisherman laughed, “We barely started, come on now. We’ll see you later my boy.” He nodded his head to Pudge and swam off with Elwood in tow. Much to the little one’s complaining.

As for Pudge, he continued to float until a random beachball landed in his lap.

He startled and looked around him, his eyes landing on the herald of summer themselves, Summer! “Summer! Is this your ball?”

Summer turned, eyes brightening as they spied their ball on Pudge’s lap. “Hey Pudge! Yeah, that’s mine. Think you can throw it here?”

Pudge did his best to throw the beach ball, crying out in delight when Summer caught it. “There we go!”

Summer laughed, shaking their hair free of sea salt, “Thanks! You’re a life saver, let me know if you want to play water volleyball with me and some others.”

“That’s okay! I’m really just here to float.”

Summer nodded. “No problem, enjoy yourself!” They quickly ran off to rejoin their game.

As for Pudge, he continued to enjoy his day off floating through small waves and listening to his friends’ play.


Reward Amount
Enchanted Sand Dollars 13


Thumbnail for NPC-004: Summer

NPC-004: Summer

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for Keb-2263: Tsunami Storm

Keb-2263: Tsunami Storm

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for Keb-2724: Emerson Acker

Keb-2724: Emerson Acker

Reward Amount


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