Submission (#1393) Approved

6 July 2023, 20:20:28 PDT (1 year ago)
7 July 2023, 06:48:56 PDT (1 year ago) by Herboreal


Words: 508
ES: 13
Five Characters and Mascot

The hot summer sun beat down on Badd’s back as he handed out ice cream treats to the young kebanzu and to some adults that dropped a few stones into the tip jar. He sighed and looked over at his boyfriend, Hare, “I can’t believe you convince me to do this every summer.”

Hare laughed, patting Badd’s shoulder, “Come on Badd! This is fun, we get to sell out every summer.”

Suddenly Split Sundae, the kebanzu that was supplying the ice cream in the flavors from Hare’s coffee shop, peeked his head over the ice cream cart. “Plus! Any ice cream we don’t sell, you guys can keep. With hopefully some for me.”

“And me!” Sweets laughed, leaning on Badd’s other shoulder. “And Gabby.”

Gabrielle looked up from where she was counting change and nodded. “Hmm oh yes, coffee flavored.” She was quick to go back to counting their current sales.

Sweets only laughed, it had taken some time to convince Gabrielle to help and she wouldn’t spoil it. “Hey, Split, where’s that ice cream devil of yours?”

Split grinned, “He’s inside with Badd’s icd, what a pretty one that is by the way. I’ve never seen one so pampered, Coco Beans is never that calm.”

She nodded, “Yeah, she is definitely something else. I stepped on one of the outfits Badd puts her in and I swear she looked like she wanted to bite me.”

Badd scoffed, “No she didn’t, Parfait has never bitten anyone.”

Sweets snorted, “She won’t bite you but-”

“Stop being dramatic,” Gabrielle mumbled, just in time for Sweets to gasp at her girlfriend’s betrayal.

Badd rolled his eyes at Sweets’ theatrics, just in time to see Hare laughing. “What?”

Hare shrugged, “It’s funny to watch the two of you go back and forth, you know she’s only joking.”

“Yeah I know, it’s just annoying.”

Hare hopped up suddenly to kiss his boyfriend’s cheek. “Come on don’t be grumpy.”

Badd blushed, about to complain when someone cleared their voice. The pair looked over and saw the herald of summer, Summer themselves!

Badd cleared his throat, “Summer… are you hear to buy an ice cream?”

The fish like kebanzu laughed and nodded their head, “That’s right, I heard you teamed up with an ice cream shop and I had to come try it for myself.” They wagged their fish tail and waited patiently. “Oh, I also like the strawberry scone flavor.”

Badd nodded and quickly got a scope of ice cream, as Hareb jumped in to say. “For you, it’s on the house.”

Summer shook their head, “I couldn’t possibly-”

Hare grinned, “Think nothing of it!”

Badd agreed. “It’s just one ice cream, don’t worry about it.”

Summer brightened, happily taking their ice cream. “Okay fine, but you all should have a fun summer. Come join some of the events and come see me!”

They waved as they walked off and Badd turned to look down at Hare. “Fine… this is a little fun.”

Hare cheered happily as the pair continued to sell ice cream.


Reward Amount
Enchanted Sand Dollars 13


Thumbnail for NPC-004: Summer

NPC-004: Summer

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for Keb-2447: Gregory Badd

Keb-2447: Gregory Badd

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for Keb-3418


Reward Amount


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Item Source Notes Quantity

oldmanbecca's Bank

Currency Quantity