Submission (#1193) Approved

7 May 2023, 14:00:57 PDT (1 year ago)
7 May 2023, 14:11:49 PDT (1 year ago) by Herboreal


Words: 760

From the sounds of loud grunts and cries of battle, Athair had almost forgotten this greeting tradition and he now pitied his weary bones for what he was about to do. It had been some years since his last friendly fight and could only hope he still remembered all that he had been taught. He also dreaded to see the kebanzu he used to know. Would any of them be bitter from his leaving.

He had hoped, perhaps, to face his father for this greeting, but he couldn’t find him at all even where his father had always spent time and now Athair worried over who he could greet now.

With a clang of a shield against armor, Athair turned to see who demanded his attention. He bowed his head when he first spied three pairs of wings, “Ah Valkyrie, it has been years.”

Piercing blue eyes met his gaze and for the first time in a long time, he felt properly scolded. Valkyrie spoke loudly, their voice stern, “Too many years.”

“Well… we all make bad decisions.” He looked away, feeling a small rush of shame. “My father, have you see-“

They cut him off with one of their hands held up. “We must greet each other first, to bring in the new year. We can talk after.”

Athair realized then that Valkyrie had sought him out on purpose, and he smiled weakly. “Very well, it would be an honor to greet you.”

They nodded, making their way into the fight ring. They passed their spear and shield to another keb as they waited for Athair.

Maybe he would have a slim chance to prove himself when it was hand to hand combat, but he still believed he was too old for this. But that didn’t deter him as he stepped into the fenced off area.

“Shall we?”

Valkyrie nodded; their expression turned stoic as they readied themselves.

No doubt Athair would regret this.

It felt like hours later when Athair fell to his knees from exhaustion, the cheers from the crowd watching showed loud as thunder. He liked to believe he put up a good fight, that he did his best even as he panted from his place on the ground. Valkyrie was a stunning fighter as always, the way they moved was fast and practically dangerous. Athair still remembered watching them when was a child, remembered thinking they were the most incredible kebanzu he had ever seen. Although, that had not stopped him from running away from Frostfell when he was young.
“Athair.” Valkyrie wanted to help him up from his feet.

He coughed as he took Valkyrie’s hand’s outstretched hand. “You are just as skilled as ever. I hope you don’t face every newcomer like that. They might not return at this rate.” He tried to laugh, but he noticed they didn’t seem in the mood. “It’s been years since we talked, would you want to take a walk with me?”

They nodded, following after him. Once out of the earshot of other kebanzu, Valkyrie spoke lowly, “You asked me earlier about your father?”
“Yes, have you seen him around?”

They got suspiciously quiet, before they bowed their head. “He’s no longer here, as of earlier this year.”

Athair grew quiet. “This year? I have been gone for so long and he couldn’t make it one more year.” He felt his eyes grow wet, but he knew there was a chance of this. Except now he couldn’t make amends.

Valkyrie seemed startled then, patting his shoulder hard. “Not dead Athair, I meant he left the hub.”

Athair’s mouth dropped open. “My father left Frostfell. My father?”

Valkyrie laughed a quiet sound. “It would seem he was inspired by you. I think he finally understood why you had to leave and why you stayed away for so long.”

He shook his head, “Well I suppose if I want to see him, I better find him.”

They nodded, “He’s going to the hub you live in. I think he’s searching for you.”

Athair paused, “How do you know where I live?”

“I have my ways, I only let your father know when I was sure he wanted to make right all those years ago.”

“Thank you, Valkyrie, I truly meant it.” Athair shook his head, “I’m sorry too that I left without saying goodbye.”

They patted his shoulder hard again. “Enough, it’s time to celebrate the beginning of Spring. Your apology is enough.”

Athair smiled, feeling peaceful and calm for the first time in a long time.


Reward Amount
Ear Wings 1
Trailing Ducks 3
Iconic Lightning 1
Valkyrie's Sword 1


Thumbnail for Keb-3067: Athair Aurum

Keb-3067: Athair Aurum

Reward Amount


These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

oldmanbecca's Bank

Currency Quantity