Submission (#1125) Approved

26 April 2023, 09:56:02 PDT (1 year ago)
26 April 2023, 10:02:18 PDT (1 year ago) by Herboreal


Word count: 803

Balsam gathered the fur ruff of his woolen coat closer to his chin as he disembarked the small craft that safely transported him to Frostfell. Having just spent some time in temperate Nimere, he expected the cold, but it still chilled him to his bones. The air here was still cool and damp, even as the winter snow was beginning to melt as spring arrived. As he put distance between himself and the boat, he heaved a sigh of relief at getting a moment of peace and quiet on the water. The little kebanzu that had been following him all over Terramessia had still been sleeping when he crept out of Nimere and set off to join the call to Frostfell.

The sounds of flags whipping in the wind and the clang of steel weapons rang out on the icy air as he also gathered his courage to enter the massive overturned vessel to seek out the great hall. Though he's not been one to shy from daring adventures exploring Terramessia, Balsam was not a fighter, and he vaguely knew what may await him inside. Despite this, the allure of escaping the surrogate fatherhood that had been foisted upon him was strong enough to want to get through Frostfell's traditional greeting in order to enjoy some time as a free keb once again.

Torches lit the way as he traversed the frozen ground, gawking at the hulking wooden structure which seemed even larger from within. Lost in his awe, he almost bumped directly into the much taller Valkyrie, who suddenly appeared before him with arms crossed and wearing a confident smile. Her armor and wings only served to further intimidate an already nervous Balsam.

"Let's step into the ring, traveler," she said with a smile, stepping to the side and gesturing to a roped-off patch of dirt.
"I don't suppose we can just shake hands, huh?" Balsam offered wryly, already knowing the answer. Other Frostfell residents and visitors alike shuffled around talking and sparring alike. One such keb approached Balsam and offered him a blade as he made his way to the ring. He shook and stretched, trying to loosen up in the cold and, additionally, tried to look confident. Another keb approached with some old but polished-to-shining armor and helped him get everything into place. Valkyrie stepped in to join him and readied her stance. Balsam followed to the best of his ability.

Valkyrie appeared calm but more serious now. "Ready?"
A nod from Balsam.

And within moments, he was in a defensive position, successfully blocking a blow from Valkyrie's blade. She stepped back to allow him to rise again, and others nearby cheered in encouragement. In his travels, Balsam had both seen and participated in sparring matches, but not to a point of having any sort of confidence in his abilities. Still, he managed to go on the offensive this time, though Valkyrie handily blocked his blow.

Amid the cheers roaring around the pair, Balsam suddenly noticed a familiar voice. His eyes quickly darted to the side to spot Zelda, bundled up in something that was clearly given to her by one of the residents, judging by the way the thick fabric draped on her as though several sizes too large. The little blue and white barnacle had found a way to follow him once again, but how?! She took a messy drink from a massive stein held between both her paws, her eye fixed excitedly on the fight. But this was no time to get distracted! Valkyrie's sword swung toward him once again and he found himself in a crouch, just barely holding back the blade with quivering arms. She backed off once again to allow him to rise.

The sound of metal on metal rang out again and again as they sparred, and finally, Balsam was knocked completely to the ground, whipping around just in time to block the blow once more. Valkyrie sheathed her sword and bowed. "Thank you, and welcome to Frostfell. Please enjoy the festivities with your friend!"

Balsam rose, dusted off, and bowed in return, glancing once again at Zelda. She beamed back at him and headed over to give him a hearty smack on the back.

"Wow, Sam, you did great! By the way, I lost track of you back in Nimere, but I managed to catch a ship here. Sorry I was a bit late and missed the first part of the fight but wow, just amazing!" she gushed. Balsam rubbed his face in exhaustion. "Hello, Zelda. Where can I get some of what you've got?"

"This way!" she said with a smile, grabbing his arm and dragging him toward the food and drink. Balsam figured the worst was over and perhaps now he could relax, but could he, now that Zelda arrived?


Reward Amount
Iconic Crown 1
Trailing Chickens 1
Paper Flowers 1
Trailing Ducks 1
Ear Wings 1
Valkyrie's Sword 1


Thumbnail for NPC-003: Valkyrie

NPC-003: Valkyrie

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for MYO-Keb-1950: Balsam

MYO-Keb-1950: Balsam

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for Keb-2896: Zelda

Keb-2896: Zelda

Reward Amount


These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

Herboreal's Bank

Currency Quantity