Submission (#1027) Approved

1 February 2023, 14:34:25 PST (1 year ago)
4 February 2023, 05:24:01 PST (1 year ago) by Herboreal


It was a foggy Night in Fogbrew Hollow However it was always foggy here though today for some reason was extra thick with the fog perhaps it was from the cool air meeting the warm ground during a nice Autumn breeze. The birds were quiet and the moon was just rising as it was peaceful that night. Adamah the Count of the evergrove manor had just finished his construction of his new west wing that had a tunnel passage to his 2 acres of lush gardens. He was having some trouble really finding his vibe for his clothing and fitting in with the nobles as his older clothing was very much last season and at times he would get comments about it. This troubled the keb to no end. Adamah was a Keb of class, Structure and had a ego bigger then the moon in the sky, He was prideful and flirty so he wanted to find something that fit his overall style and also fit for future encounters with locals and other businessmen.

Adam dug through his closet tossing anything he deemed not right for the look pushing it into a donation box to put at the side of the road for when they come to collect on thursdays. As he dug through he found some old fabrics and even parts of clothing that had some wear in them. He pondered a moment looking over the fabrics and clothing pieces letting a tiny lightbulb go off in his head. " AH HAH YES THATS IT!" he barked before he took the clothing bits and fabric and headed off to his fitting room smiling to his servant. Once inside he had his servant help him lay out the fabrics and go over some patterns for the new attire. After a few moments he got to work on cutting up the fabrics and having the servant help with dismantling the other clothing to begin the process of blending and sewing.

Adamah worked hard placing things all together sewing in fabrics to overlay and look snazzy with some sparkle and shimmer to it as he held it to the light. He add frill and took inspiration from some victorian styled clothing with hints of vampiric elements to make it fit to his overall look at the time. After many hours of cutting, gluing, sewing and steaming he had the final product. Now came the time of trying it on, he wasnt too worried due to the fact he had his measurements done ahead before they began. His little bats watched curious of what was going on while one of them swooped and snuggled against the soft fabric prompting Adamah to shoo him away. As he placed it on fixing it to his upper body and clipping on the clips of the waist coat and fixing the frills he smiled in the mirror looking it over. His servant walked over looping his arms through the arm holes of the tailed coat helping adjust the broach and frills of his jabot before patting him off. " There we go sire" he said as Adamah smiled at himself in the mirror, He gazed at his gorgeous new outfit fitting for a lord of a manor and suited for a vampire. Flashing his fangs he admired the intricate floral pattern on the waist coat and the accents of gold and red to bounce off his cathedral markings very well. The soft hues of black and purples made all his lighter red markings pop and the tiny Cross with a bat broach was a nice touch to the jabot ruffle collar. Adamah was thrilled to show this off to his friends and family Perhaps he should host another ball? Oh what fun he will have breaking in this new outfit.


Reward Amount
Enchanted Stones 10


Thumbnail for Keb-3765: Adamah Mustafa

Keb-3765: Adamah Mustafa

Reward Amount


These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

VampiricPaws's Bank

Currency Quantity