Submission (#1020) Approved

29 January 2023, 20:34:06 PST (1 year ago)
4 February 2023, 05:18:16 PST (1 year ago) by Herboreal


Words: 502
ES Reward should be 10 ES

Sebastian was not often considered the quiet type, but in his own home, he usually found himself lost in thought as he looked around.
The walls were a sketchy white and black, as the colors were fighting each other in each line, but given Sebastian wanted it to look like that, he was comforted by the image. It made him think of music and the wild lines that can wrap themselves around the notes. But maybe he shouldn’t wax poetry about music? His beautiful Theodosia would make fun of him for that, not in the cruel bullying way but in that soft curious tone of voice when she didn’t understand.
He sighed softly as he looked towards his instruments, all lined up neatly from violins to drums, from guitars to cellos. He probably has a bigger collection than he needed, but he never knew if his compositions for the opera house would need a game changer, something the audience would never be expecting. He needed to always be ready.
He looked at his coffee table, a beautiful glass piece Theodosia gifted him, and leaned down, brushing his paw against the transparent panel. Sometimes he dreamed of her sitting beside him, telling him about her day as she curled into his side. Sadly, always waiting for that moment, she would allow herself to love him as he loved her, but time was his enemy and her greatest fear. Silly really, he wasn’t that much younger than her and he knew she felt the same.
He moved to sit on his plush purple couch, another suggestion from Theodosia, and enjoyed the quiet for a few moments. If Theodosia kept making decisions about his living space he was almost positive that he would be like she lived here, the secret home she didn’t realize she was making. It was cute to see little bits of her in the things she picked for him, always with that hauntingly beautiful smile. She always flushed too, as if she couldn’t believe she was actually helping him decorate his house and before she would leave, she always sneaked a kiss to his cheek before he could respond.
He shook his head, yawning softly as he sunk more into the cough. He would always be comfortable in his home, always happy to see his walls and instruments, but he would give it all away if he could have Theodosia here with him.
Okay, maybe not the instruments, as those cost a lot and it was difficult to find all of them, but he could survive moving them somewhere else if she wanted. He would make his home an entirely blank slate just for her to fill to her heart’s content. A home she would make for the both of them, but he was getting ahead of himself. He didn’t want to scare her by going too fast with his love confession, but he could still dream. Dream on the couch that was lovingly picked by the woman of his dreams.


Reward Amount
Enchanted Stones 10



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