
Created: 16 February 2022, 10:48:28 PST
Last updated: 16 February 2022, 11:00:52 PST

Size Comparisons

Rens come in 3 distinct subspecies, Kingdom Rens, which are the biggest, Classic Rens, which are in the middle, and Princeling Rens, which are the smallest, being about the same size as a kebanzu.

Princeling Ren Fairs

Princelings are the smallest of the three subspecies of ren fair. They are known for their distinct horns, long prehensile tails, innate climbing ability, and webbed secondary arms, which they use as a parachute when leaping from high places. Their claws are longer and more hooked than their larger counterparts, which also aids in their climbing abilities. 

Classic Ren Fairs

Classic Ren Fairs or Ren Fair Monsters are the most well known of the three subspecies. They have distinctly handlike paws on their two sets of arms, the second of which is used to carry objects and aid in weaving or crafting. They have a bare patch of skin on either side of their face that is used in greetings and is usually metallic and a different color than the surronding fur. This patch is unique to their subspecies. Their bodies are noticeably narrow when viewed from the front, and they commonly have short tails.

Kingdom Ren Fairs

Also known as Kingdom Rens, are the largest subspecies of Ren Fair. They lack secondary arms of any kind, and have slightly more pawlike hands than Classic Rens do. They are quite a bit stronger than their smaller counterparts. They also have longer lionlike tails which they use for balance.