Claim (#2156) Approved

11 September 2024, 12:53:29 PDT (1 week ago)
14 September 2024, 08:10:03 PDT (5 days ago) by mothman


hello ! resubmitting with the updated info as requested! tysm ^^
his worth is $290 !

Horn(s): Wild horn shape, hollow glass horns
Horn Marking(s): n/a
Eyes: half moon eyes, dark eye color, pin pupils
Mane: full mane, long mane, tuft mane
Tail: Tuft tail
Ears: Fox ears
Fur: wavy fur
Extra: trailing cards
Leg Marking(s): Max Leg Markings, Fade Leg Markings
Marking(s): leg border, tum, inked, accents, melon, masked, saddle, large shaped markings


Reward Amount



These items have been removed from the claimant's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity
Hollow Glass Horns Hollow Glass Horns Purchased from Enchanted Stone Exchange by puppypawbz for 20 Enchanted Stones. Purchased 27 August 2024, 10:08:53 PDT 1
Trailing Cards Trailing Cards Purchased from Candy Corn Exchange by puppypawbz for 2 Enchanted Candy Corn. Purchased 27 August 2024, 10:22:58 PDT 1
Goblin Legs Goblin Legs Purchased from Candy Cane Exchange by puppypawbz for 2 Enchanted Candy Canes. Purchased 27 August 2024, 10:23:24 PDT 1
Fox Ears Fox Ears Purchased from Candy Cane Exchange by puppypawbz for 2 Enchanted Candy Canes. Purchased 27 August 2024, 11:33:05 PDT 1
Shaped Marking (Large) Shaped Marking (Large) Purchased from Enchanted Stone Exchange by puppypawbz for 15 Enchanted Stones. Purchased 11 September 2024, 12:48:04 PDT 1

puppypawbz's Bank

Currency Quantity