Claim (#2137) Approved

14 August 2024, 07:09:10 PDT (1 month ago)
15 August 2024, 14:41:51 PDT (1 month ago) by Azure


custom from milo

Horns - Torus, Studded. Smooth
Ears - Pierced
Eyes - Point, Cubed Pupil
Tail - Rat
Hair - Straight
Mane - Mohawk
Markings - Wild + Agate, Large shapred marking (for the gears), Masked, Fade leg, Tum, spots (?)


Reward Amount



These items have been removed from the claimant's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity
Discounted Uncommon Trait Discounted Uncommon Trait Bought from cash store by Lunaslimbo for $10 each ($30 total) Bought from cash store 1
Uncommon Trait Uncommon Trait Bought from cash store by Lunaslimbo for $15 each ($15 total) Bought from cash store 1
Uncommon Trait Uncommon Trait Purchased from Uncommon and Rare Trait Shop by ErmineLeader for 15 Contest Credits. Purchased 14 October 2023, 14:08:16 PDT 1
Shaped Marking (Large) Shaped Marking (Large) Purchased from Enchanted Stone Exchange by Jaxx for 15 Enchanted Stones. Purchased 14 August 2024, 07:07:53 PDT 1

Jaxx's Bank

Currency Quantity